NATO’s strategic goal is to prolong the conflict as long as possible to prevent Russia from achieving a clear victory and to wear Russia down. In the face of Russian military superiority on the front line, NATO has opted for outright terrorism.

NATO’s choice can be deduced from the statements of British Defense Minister Admiral Sir Tony Radakin to the April 25 Financial Times, that attacks against civilian targets deep inside Russia must be intensified. That is, he proposes asymmetric strikes against vital infrastructure and civilian areas in Russia to inflict as much damage as possible on the Russian civilian population so that they will repudiate President Vladimir Putin. An example is the destruction of a 10-story residential building in the Russian city of Belgorod on Sunday, May 12, resulting in 18 civilian deaths.

The delivery of ATACMS [Army Tactical Missile System] long-range missile systems to Kiev by the U.S. and the sending of NATO soldiers, instructors and military engineers to help Ukrainian troops fight against Russia seem to be a response to this, as Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk once again acknowledged. According to the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, the West is waging a hybrid war against the Kremlin.


Implicitly, Putin repeated that the war will end when Moscow says so and that the only thing to negotiate is Zelensky’s mode of surrender. And if NATO, which obeys the orders of the Pentagon and the White House, decides to get involved with troops directly in Ukraine, the response will be devastating.

In the not at all cryptic language of the deputy head of the Russian Security Council, Dmitri Medvedev, none of them (Jeffries, Macron and Cameron) will be able to hide, either in the Capitol or in the Elysée Palace or in 10 Downing Street.

In this context, NATO soldiers participating in the military drill with nuclear components “Steadfast Defender 2024,” stretching from the Baltic states to the Balkans, imitated an assault on Russian positions and declared themselves ready to fight against the “threat” from Moscow.

The political-military objective of NATO’s maneuvers is to weaken and fragment Russia at some point in the near future. In view of the fact that Kiev is going to have to sign some peace agreement or continue the war and continue losing territory, NATO is preparing to try to defeat Russia. In passing, NATO seeks to justify the increase in military spending in the member countries and the policy of militarization of international relations.