“We call on the California Labor Federation and the entire labor movement to join us in fighting this calculated attack on the right to strike and on the rights of workers everywhere. We remain committed in our opposition to the U.S. war machine and the UC’s vast investments in the industries that support it. We remain committed to our strike and to the people of Palestine.” (laborforpalestine.net)

Local 4811 is getting support from around the country. The Graduate Employees Organization, American Federation of Teachers, at the University of Michigan said in a solidarity message: “Your decision to take strike action in pursuit of divestment and in solidarity with Palestinian workers is a testament to the possibility of building a global labor movement in the U.S. that does not stop fighting when anti-labor laws are mobilized to serve American [neo]imperial interests, but instead dares to pursue justice for all, across geographies.

“As Palestinian workers lead the way for all of us, you are laying a path for a global material solidarity in line with their call. We know that victory in this strike means a victory for the Palestinian liberation movement, and for all of us. Strike to win!”