Sai Somsphet


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • He dumped those for smuggling room.

    Lando had missiles loaded on his version of the falcon, and missiles were used in combat in the older books. But I believe it was referenced at some point that Han dumped the missiles for more room.

    The empire also specifically outlawed certain weapons on ships to make civilians more reliant on the imperial navy, mearning heavier lasers and the more capable missles were never legally a viable option. Normally not an issue to a smuggler, but as Han stated, even he gets boarded sometimes.

    But yes, the Falcon has missile hard points and can function as a light blockade runner for military purposes.

  • I get your point, I really do, but Homefront was also about the economic collapse of the American system caused by its own corruption.

    I always got the idea that Korea wasn’t incredibly overpowered united, but America was already broken and a step away from being conquered already and the first army to invade happened to be Korea. The rest of the world just wanted to see what would happen.

    Kind of like having Russia invade Ukraine only to have it’s nose beaten in and globally embarrassed. Doesn’t mean Ukraine is going to invade and conquer, just that a global super power can be defeated by a smaller united nation after decades of corruption.

    At least that’s the idea that got me through the game. It was honestly just a COD reskin of a game and wasn’t actually that good in retrospect

  • Just so you are aware, there are tons of active communities actively and currently maintaining live multiplayer servers for old games that had their official servers shut down. All through pirates.

    Star wars galaxies and Monster Hunter Tri are two good examples. I haven’t checked galaxies in a while, but monster hunter tri just unlocked a multiplayer server that has been shut down for a decade.

    If a fan community loves a game enough it’s still got an active server somewhere. Pirates are 100% bringing online features to their communities.

    Also, I guess since you didn’t know, there are hundreds of video games that currently have multiplayer enabled despite no multiplayer options when the game was originally released. You are really underestimating the amount of effort random pirates will put into making a 30 year old game playable with online multiplayer. Games like Skyrim, famous for being single player, now have multiplayer options.

  • My dad was given two years to live.

    In his third year, he made an Elkhorn cane for me.

    He died after four years of fighting.

    No matter what, the hospital did everything medical science could do. At the time. Even now, due to his circumstances, he wouldnt have had much more time. If he took medical marijuana, MAYBE it could have bought him another two years. Maybe it would have made his last two years pain free. But that’s it. It was too far advanced by the time they found the cancer.

    Maybe if it was found sooner, but he refused the proper treatments that would have found it sooner.

    Maybe if medical science was more advanced, but the hospital he went to is still active and highly regarded as one of the most effective and trusted resources for cancer treatment. He got the best medical treatment possible at the time, and the doctors already pushed the treatments to their theoretical limits.

    Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

    But he did change. I never saw him get weaker or waste away. He always seemed so strong. He became kinder and in the end left me with only happy kind memories. I know he was still abusive when I was younger. But he looked at the time he had and decided he wanted to use those two years to be a better father. To give us memories of a man who wanted to be a better person.

    When he survived that second year, we all assumed he was going to win. He didn’t. He knew he was still dying and so he spent every day as if he wasn’t going to survive. Made arrangements, spent time with us. Said goodbye in his own way. Found his peace. Everyone thought the Elkhorn cane was for him. I was the only one who helped him make it. When he died, the cane was his for only about half a year. Maybe a year and a half at most. It’s been almost two decades since then.

    I still see it as his cane. The oils from my hands have worn parts to a shine. My own hands have smoothed the Elkhorn down. It has been mine for decades,for years longer then it has ever been his.

    But this thing? This cane? My father made it for me. He left symbols on it. Little marks that no one else would have noticed. It connects me to him, and through him, to my tribe. It’s his cane but it’s mine. It’s a show of his determination to be a better father. Running out of time, but still trying to be a better father then he was the day before. His final message to me about this cane, was “this is not a weapon.”

    His final lessons, were to be better. Kinder. He didn’t have time to teach me everything. So he had to leave it to little memories, little details, little reminders. So that even in death, he could lead by example and be an example he wanted me to learn from and follow.

    The cane long ago became mine by right. It’s still his by connection.

    Maybe medical science could eventually have given him more life. Maybe.

    I can’t live my life based off of a maybe though. It was out of our hands. He fought for every day. He died as a better person, then he was when he was first diagnosed. And that’s enough sometimes. Sometimes it’s better then a maybe.

    Maybe sometimes I just miss my dad.

  • My favorite XCOM 2 mods basically make the game a Star Wars rebellion game.

    It’s actually really fun to have a bunch of clone rebels taking the fight to the empire. Or it was. I buggered something so all I have working now are the armories, so it’s more a bunch of clone troopers are helping the resistance against the aliens. Still fun.

    I stopped playing XCOM 1. I had a squad of heavies in mech suits and everything. My perfect team for this mission. A bug hunt in newfoundland. Something about chrysalids in a whaling town. Everyone still died. I managed to get one guy out, everyone else died ammo spent and brass bloody. But it’s the one level I can’t bring myself to try again

  • That same article also says

    “However, Agnieszka Zembrzycka, a Stena Line spokesperson, told Polish media on Friday that the CCTV footage from the ship did not match this version of events.”

    As in CCTV footage doesn’t show a kid accidentally falling in followed by a mother.

    Further it was noted by first responders that the woman was unresponsive. No mention on the status of the boy other then both were flown to a hospital. Meaning the boy was either already dead, or was responsive.

    My guess is from the context a murder investigation is highly warranted, and the CCTV footage will provide valuable information.