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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • Nope, not ok.

    Doctors told me I have autism a year ago, I told my family, they thought I was delusional and insane and tried to force me into a mental asylum in the middle of nowhere.

    Got all my stuff, put it in my car… got mugged, car got stolen, spent a year homeless. Credit ruined, everything I have ever owned is gone, and the best part was all the rest of my friends and family either didnt believe me when I told them what was happening to me, thought I was insane… or were too busy to handle all my drama right now.

    At least I can write on lemmy I guess.

  • Yeah hah, they are largely not even in the race.

    They are still able to sell SUVs and basically at this point road legal monster trucks to a consumer base that still cannot grasp the concept that they could do 99% of what they use a car for with a sedan or hatchback, and that 1% of the time just rent a uhaul… they could do that and save tons of money on gas with the greater fuel efficiency.

    But American car owners are not exactly known for making rational decisions or being good drivers.

    Much more important to flaunt status and lifestyle with a car.

    Much more important.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptoGames@lemmy.worldS&Box - Hype
    6 months ago

    I have not been playing too many games lately as I was held hostage, beaten and starved for 5 days in my own apartment, then evicted after the apartment staff falsely blamed me for the damage this madman did to my apartment, then i was mugged anf had my wallet and phone stolen, and my car had already been stolen months ago, leaving me homeless for months.

    But uh I would say Valheim is probably the best open world survival craft game I am aware of.

    The building system is well done and allows for a lot of architectural creativity, without getting you too bogged down in either astoundingly high resource requirements or working your way up through some kind of tech tree system that just forces grind for no real reason.

    And I just absolutely love its visual style, and it actually has pretty darn good combat for being the kind of game that it is.

    If you are looking for something more hardcore and less polished you could try Kenshi maybe? If you can survive, it actually allows you to build your own town and populate it with other members of your clan… or slaves.

    Speaking of slaves: Conan Exiles is another decent game in this vein, though it is extremely grindy, it does have the fanciest graphics of these 3, and also has multiplayer! Downside is you will probably need to get a bunch of paid DLC to play on most servers, and of course as with any decently popular openworld survival craft type game, a good chunk of the players will just grief you.

  • Yes, which is why I said ‘and also get employees to follow basic cybersecurity practices.’

    If the problem is either company culture or human nature is in the way of implementing cybersecurity properly, and I can assure you that this is true, having managed cybersecurity policies at a large non profit for over a year…

    …then the field of cybersecurity should actually be figuring out how to successfully mitigate or solve this issue, they should be focusing on far more than just esoteric techno buzzwords in their marketing, and you know, actually be capable of delivering ‘security’, the thing they claim to sell.

    If that means pivoting to things like the imoportance of training employees, developing a security conscious company culture, holding seminars to convince execs and middle management to not have cybersecurity as an afterthought as well as what it actually takes to actually be secure… then the field of cybersecurity should do that.

  • Uh… I have managed and maintained cybersecurity policies for a non profit albeit not as head of IT but working in close cooperation with him as the team i was on was in charge of a huge system that nearly all employees and definitely all our clients used.

    We successfully managed to not have any cybersecurity incidents while I was working there.

    We gave everyone work phones and work laptops because that is how you do cybersecurity right.

    And uh, no, if youre going by companies specifically being targeted and compromised by hackers, as opposed to hackers going for anything connected to a widely used software service, uh, gaming companies are actually doing far worse than other industries, likely due in large part to incompetent management.

    Sure, yep, its chilling that employees at video game companies are at risk because their management is incompetent.

    No clue what you mean by ‘gaming was always weirdly secretive when compared to movies and music.’ Music and movies are even easier to pirate than video games which have to be cracked… Not sure what youre talking about here.

    And oh dear god here at the end youre going to ‘for the record’ inform me, a person who has written code for game mods for 20 years and professionally for various roles in the tech industry for a decade that games have open source and closed source code in them.

    Thats not even relevant to how a whole company’s network gets breached and its employees get basically doxxed.

    The… the video game company’s internal software for managing employee records, clock ins, clock outs, wage payment, emails, etc, is different from the software it uses in its product, the game.

    It doesnt matter if a game has OpenGL and a bit of a liscensed proprietary physics engine.

    Thats not connected to the company email server.

    Why do you have such an arrogant attitude when you have no idea what you are talking about?

  • So you say theres great investigative journalism being done and mention Jason Schrier. Agreed, he is the only person that I as well can even think of as an actual journalist in this field, hell, also James/Stephanie Sterling.

    But you are… disappointed that I wish there was real journalism around gaming and the gaming industry?

    You also say ‘Why would you even want investigative journalism relating to gaming?’

    Well uh because to me that is real journalism, and real journalism is historically hugely important to keeping society balanced in a democracy. It acts as a counter to corporate and government propoganda, lies and malfeasance.

    Then you ramble about basically how you can find some actual deep dives about how games were made on youtube, (noting that such content is not super popular) and gamers streaming themselves gaming on twitch, and conclude that ‘this is an old argument’ and basically ‘i can watch gaming content somewhere so its fine I guess’.


    You are arguing with yourself, in your own comment.

    The topic is journalism. We were talking about investigative journalism in this subthread. Journalism as it pertains to the field or industry of video games, how a lot of it is just garbage.

    And you spent the vast majority of your reply here /not talking about investigative journalism, not talking about how gaming journalism is largely just advertisements for game companies/.

    ‘Content’ relating to video games is not the same thing as Journalism.

    You opened with being disappointed that I would wish there was real investigative journalism about video gaming, which is a stance you never explained or justified with anything other than ‘other content about games exists.’

    Is your stance that its fine actually that there barely is any actual real gaming journalism… because other content about games exists?

    Am I misunderstanding you?

  • Yes, which can be avoided with the basic cybersecurity standard of teaching your employees how to not fall for that.

    Literally not much more complicated than ‘dont give anyone your work login and password, If you think something is suspicious, report it to security and never, ever, EVER connect any of your work hardware or accounts to your personal hardware or accounts’.

    But to your main point yes, its a million times easier to hack a human brain than a computer, and no one seems to get this.

    Am I the only person that has read or even heard of Kevin Mitnick?

  • Instead we get an article here, pontificating on the concept of whether or not its good to report on something that could harm people if its reported on.

    It manages to do all the words and stuff to let you know that basically, they can see arguments both ways, but uh in the end its published so kinda just obviously went one way on all that.

    The function is, I guess, just to indicate that the writer is conflicted and well informed? But its so obvious theyre just writing a bunch of words to hit a word count because uh its published anyway so the author obviously donesnt care that much for half of what they said.

    Then it just ends with like a magical fantasy useless ‘I believe things will get better and we can all be better people’ ending with absolutely no set up or explanation why this might be likely.

    Its honestly a baffling piece of writing.

    All I can actually take away from it is a hack happened, hacking is bad, the author needed to hit a word count, and I probably should have just read the headline.

    I mean here I am commenting on it so thats something, it worked! It got a click rofl!

    And with that I need a cigarette.

  • I mean, with extremely rare exceptions, basically the entire field of ‘games journalism’ is just doing advertisement for the industry they are supposed to be critical of, even the opinions and culture commentary just serve to drive what is functionally a gossip generator that makes either hype or hate for whatever particular thing is worth talking about right now, and then its forgotten entirely within 72 hours. Net effect though, is more awareness thus more game purchases.

    Fucking coffeezilla played a pivotal role in convicting SBF.

    When has any games journalism outlet ever done a 60 minutes style actual investigative journalism about the industry? And actually exposed an issue the public was generally not aware of? When have they done anything like that instead of just reacting to someone already doing that for them on some social media site or youtube and then they just summarize it?

    Fuck, I am probably being a bit hyperbolic but Christ it feels like almost all gaming journalism is basically classified ads and opinion pieces.

  • To me the real story here is that the field of cybersecurity, and actually proprietary software in general is a giant fucking scam: we see hacks happening constantly to huge companies and government agencies that either advertise their products/services or market/promote themselves as very secure.

    The only actual known and effective way to combat this in almost every scenario you have ever heard of is to use open source software that can be reviewed by anyone, and when a flaw is found, an alert can go out and then it gets fixed, and you can actually verify that it has been fixed; that combined with actually having employees follow basic cybersec guidelines.

    Time and time again individuals and large organizations pay for proprietary software that claims it is secure, and often either have cybersecurity ‘experts’ on staff, or consult with a cybersec firm.

    Time and time again people and organizations pay for software that is sold to them as providing security, and when it doesnt, the sellers of said software are never actually liable.

    Why would anyone trust any kind of such software at all? Much less pat for it?

    And the hacks just keep happening.

    Accountability for this is no where. Not in any real, effective sense.

  • I have been following Musk’s insanity for years now, and I am glad that Oliver covered him, but he could have been soooo much more scathing while being absolutely factual.

    His relatively moderate criticisms of Musk reminded me that a whole lot of libs and tech bros are in his demographic.

    You can’t apparently tell them Rocket Jesus is not going to save us and is infact a contemptible racist fascist mad man whose entire persona is a fraud and has done nothing but defraud all his investors with insane claims he hasnt delivered on in nearly a decade without making his audience too depressed, I guess.