Twitter is already struggling hard after making their API paid, could reddit be next?

  • Melody
    1 year ago

    Scraping is a public service at this point with companies going bonkers and trying to monetize too aggressively because they over-borrowed and now can’t even hope to pay back their massive investor backlog because they didn’t attempt to monetize soon enough.

    Bankruptcy is coming for these companies SoonTM

    We the user, the consumer will severely punish you stupid silicon valley companies for suddenly demanding payment for an API or service that was always historically free before. ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT MOVE DAMAGES EXISTING COMMUNITIES!

    If you are a C-Level executive in a tech company pay heed; Users WILL PUNISH behavior that they consider to be destructive to their communities. No. Your company will not survive it. Your company will be bled to death by a thousand cuts.