Still taking a little bit of a break but I got time for Martok. I’ll probably be posting a little bit more over the next couple days but not as frequently as I was before. Building back up to it.

That being said… remember that Car Talk with Martok that I made a while back, the Tribbles n Bits cereal thing where I recorded myself reading it? Yeah… this was that recording. Garbage. Right? I didn’t even realize how bad the quality was, and didn’t know about that rattling noise, until I posted it. I mocked myself for it and so did everyone else, rightfully so. I feel awful that I put any of my friends through that while playing with them…

Well screw you guys I redid it. Complain about quality now, assholes! It’s me. I’m the asshole.

Car Talk with Martok. Every Thursday at 9AM EST.

Season 1:

Season 2:

Comic Source: DominionMediaTV