First of all, I am proud to say that I don’t use the website ALMOST at all. I do have an account though just in case. On very rare occasions, I leave mean replies to mean posts by mean people.

I don’t follow anyone. I went to the “For You” page by accident today. There were only two types of post there:

  • Posts from engagement farming accounts that post cute animal content. For example, a picture of a dog with a caption “I turned 15 today please leave a like”. (30%)
  • LITERAL HASBARA from official Israel and IDF accounts. Tons and tons of it. Most of them with mentioning SV very liberally. (70%)

I went on a rampage and marked 30 terrible posts as “not interested”. Now I logged in again and there are mostly unfunny memes with a few pro-Palestine posts sprinkled in.

What a trash website.

TLDR: Don’t use Twitter (currently X).