[W]hen 2 […] settler supporters shout ‘Hitler was Right’ they may be stupid but even in their stupidity they understand the ‘logic’ of Zionism. If Jews won’t emigrate to [a neocolony] and insist on ‘assimilation’ then deserve all they get.

What is interesting about this scene is not just the fact that 2 Zionists are so open about what support for the Palestinians should imply, but that they receive sympathy and support from other passers by. The Police come and go away, after all they are not Arabs or leftists, and an orthodox Jew makes it clear that he agrees with them.

This is not a unique phenomenon. In the 1980s a group of soldiers in the Golani brigade set up an ‘Eichmann Commando’.

Zionism is synonymous with occupation and oppression. They therefore identify with other occupiers and oppressors. And if a Jew should side with the ‘enemy’ then they deserve all they get, yea even gassing and burning. So you see there is a ‘logic’ in the madness of Zionism.

Shouting ‘sieg heil’ [under Zionism] is not an offence. Protesting against confiscations definitely gives offence. ‘Ashkenazis to the ovens’ causes no upset, resisting the occupation does.

Partially related:

A record of two short periods in Hebron, […] the white-painted sign scrawled on a wall which says — in English — “Arabs to the gas chambers”; […]

Click here for events that happened today (December 18).

1906: Ferdinand Ďurčanský, Slovak fascist, burdened the Earth with his existence.
1939: The Battle of the Heligoland Bight happened.
1944: XX Bomber Command responds to the Axis Operation Ichi‐Go offensive by dropping five hundred tons of incendiary bombs on a supply base in Hankow, China.
1982: Hans‐Ulrich Rudel, Fascist pilot, finally hit the dirt.
1995: Konrad Ernst Otto Zuse, Axis computer scientist, expired.