Im defently active there and its awful. I talk about it a lot but most of the people there are MLM or (worse imo, the MLMs there are decently reasonable) leftcoms with awful takes on geopol and aes. (And thats letting aside the anarchists, who are worse on everything except social and cultural issues). There are some decent MLs there but its like needle in a haystack.

And its also like dodging landmines, because when you see good geopol takes in the replies, DO NOT TRUST, theres like an 80% chance theyre a social reactionairy, probably a Hazite, and their support for Russia is probably not critical lol.

Its awful.

    6 months ago

    Unrelated, but you know what?

    If I will make a communist country, I’ll simply have a major Dengist and a major Maoist party rule instead of one, but more unified in the vein of Democrats and Republicans of the U.S.A on key issues,

    Just to take the piss out of the 2 party system of U.S and the rest of the western world, because 1 party rule = dictatorship according to them…

    Note: I do know such factionalism and division historically isn’t successful

    (Eg. People’s Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, China from 1949-1978)