• sisiek@slrpnk.net
    1 year ago

    Funny thing is the US military actually is my protector. The US has strong business interests in the area, and it protects them. It’s not going one way only. I’m enjoying this, because the alternative is a power vacuum that will be filled by Russian mafia in a second once your people decide to do business and profit elsewhere. So yeah, different outlook.

    • klieg2323A
      1 year ago

      And that right there is the problem. The us sees itself as some sort of imperial world police and it is not. Sorry, but we’ve got enough problems going on in or own country that we shouldn’t be subsidizing your defense and social programs.

      Europe get the benefit of having American pretectors by not spending as much on defense and in turn getting to use that for internal development. I think it served it’s purpose in rebuilding Europe after WW2, but now that the EU is a power on par with the US I think it’s high time for a European military to defend itself instead of relying on the whims of an imperial power.