• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Wanting acceptance and approval is an extremely natural thing for a human. People seek this especially from the people that they care about, whether that is family, friends, a crush or even just people in your local community.

    We could argue the semantics of your statement and debate whether acceptance from a parent is a need or a want, but I think it’s besides the point and not useful to the question OP is asking.

    Honestly, I’m very surprised that this isn’t obvious to you.

  • A mindset of a few HAES morons who can’t understand that an unexcessive diet isn’t pure torture and are in denial, (willfully or not,) about what the other sex finds or should find attractive.

    Go to any porn site and look at the most popular videos, they’re the body type that most people find attractive. Whereas chubby/fat fetishises are always much more niche.

    Inb4: I’m not saying that we should all be unhappy unless we have pornstar quality bodies/partners, I know that they’re simply unattainable for many people and that it is a fantasy style of thinking. I’m saying that implying that people are sick in the head for being attracted to the most popular body types and trying to shame people in to accepting your unhealthy lifestyle is full on denial.

    Edit: People will downvote me for “being an arsehole”, but I’m here to debate the truth of things the way I see them. Not to try the gentle/soft approach or to try being your friend. Sometimes the truth hurts.

  • A lot of people simply don’t know proper hygiene because they were never taught it.

    A shower doesn’t mean let the water run over you for a few minutes and then spray on some deodorant. Lather some soap in to a flannel and scrub every part of your body, and if you sweat badly use antiperspirant.

    But it’s recent thing you’ve noticed. People might be cutting back on things due to budget. Not many people would admit that they’re not showering because of financial worries.

  • I’ve had a look, not purchased, but watched a lot of review videos and I’d recommend you to do the same as no one here is going to have really tried all the different models available.

    Unfortunately, the price does seem to correlate with the quality and performance and the most expensive auto vacuums cost in the £300 region. They also will never be as powerful as a traditional upright, can’t do stairs and of course you still have to empty them and take them up and down the stairs to do the different floors of your house. But yh, the price is the biggest reason I’ve not gotten one myself.