420blazeit69 [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021


  • are not unique to the western world and can also be found, sometimes in even worse form, among the oriental savages

    I think it’s important not to get too contrarian when countering this. Those things did exist in various forms outside of Europe; to say they didn’t is to fall into the “noble savage” trope.

    The reasons why that doesn’t matter are:

    1. Whether some people enslaved (for instance) other people in the distant past under a now-defunct political system is an academic question. What matters to people living today is ongoing injustices and the effects of past injustices that can still be felt.
    2. We should be trying to do less horrific things today, not looking to past horrors and saying “well that’s how it’s always been.”
    3. The scale and refinement of those practices by European colonial powers adds to the gravity of the crimes (much like a methodical serial killer is worse than someone who shoots two people in a robbery).
    4. While these practices did occur outside of the imperial core, they were not universal – just like modern governments commit varying degrees of crimes and are better or worse because of it, pre-colonial governments were not all guilty of the crimes of the worst pre-colonial governments.