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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Yeah i agree, that most people do not pirate because of morality, but because pirating is more convenient meanwhile being way cheaper, you said it yourself. I do not watch a whole lot of movies or shows, but for example if i could buy Arcane, I would, but instead I can only watch it if I buy a Netflix subscription. I dont like this arbitrary limitation to be honest, you could buy movies back in the day.

    For games, it is the case, because steam is actually a good service. People got what they wanted from Baldurs Gate 3 plus it is on a service which gives you tons of features. For example netflix on the other hand just limits how you consume content instead of enabling you other features.

    One more thing, when Netflix was the only streaming service, people actually paid for it. Now that it is worse, pricier and there are more competing streaming services, it is way more convenient to pirate.

  • Absolutely agree with this one. Write down the problem and then the connections you made and the task that made you understand it.

    For me it was interfaces (c# in this context). Like when do you even need them. How could an interface even be an argument for a function??

    Then a problem came up, where a List or an Array could be a parameter in a function, but their length/count is not accessed the same way (still c#.) After this it clicked, that with interfaces you dont care whether it is a car or a cat, even a dog, if it can bark, it can be passed as a parameter into this function, and inside the function we only use these interfaced functions.