Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

I had a great idea, what if we tried to do science, but with data??

  • 141 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • BTW why is your text background all brown and hard to read?

    Seems to be the indicator for “new reply” in the new lemmy version. Maybe whoever implemented that did not consider how that’d be harder to read for some folks. As a quick fix you can just refresh the page again.

    Any reading recommendations?

    On critiques of MLM specifically or just MLM in general? If the latter, the PCP had a web page that’s still up on the web archive, complete with a very long and detailed FAQ section in both English and Spanish. No better sources for their beliefs than themselves.

    Now the criticisms were mostly loose texts in Portuguese (in particular against our own university Maoists), so they won’t be of much help. But I’ve heard that there’s some ProleWiki book with heavy critiques of the Peruvian people’s war in the works.

  • Not directly answering your question but I was watching a guy explaining MLM the other day and the very beginning he stressed how Scientific Socialism is scientific due to falsifiability. Then much later on he does the classic “Denying MLM to uphold ML is like denying Einstein to uphold Newton” and that tickled my brain.

    So ML is scientific because it has successfully led to revolutions, but MLM is even more scientific because it has successfully done… what exactly? Temporarily occupied rural areas with guerrillas? Even if you buy their position that the ML states reverted to Capitalism, it’s not that much of an improvement.

    Honestly I just think it’s obscurantism. Most MLM’s I’ve found would start the explanation with “some aspects of the Cultural Revolution are universal” but then flounder in explaining which specific ones those were. Probably because if they peg one down they’ll cause dogmatic splits in their groups. But then they get to claim that you just don’t understand, it’s all peak Marxism, and all other Marxists aren’t real Marxists. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on different authors this year and major difference between (most) ML authors and (most) MLM authors is that the former are actually pretty intuitive while the latter were very confusing and all-over-the-place.

  • How do you feel when it’s treated in a more sensible way by the narrative? For example, in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

    spoilers for fire emblem path of radiance

    Before the beginning of the story, a whole tribe of pacifist bird people is slaughtered due to racist scapegoating, and the rest of the narrative treats this event as the horrible atrocity that it is.

    It is not perfect, but it at least never portray people attacked by racist armies as “deserving it” in any way. ignore for a second that the bird people are pale and blonde.

    Also if you read the Silmarileon critically you’ll notice that elves are basically settlers in whole constructions made by and for dwarves, who had been driven out. Several of their halls are passingly mentioned to have been built by dwarves, and there are even stories where jealous dwarves are portrayed as “greedy” for wanting the fruits of their labour for themselves.

  • I think it is only this way in Dark Souls because Demon’s Souls was very messy and allowed for multiplayer to start even during one specific boss battle. So to keep the whole thing seamless (considering how otherwise janky the game was) they just went with “no pause” and it somehow became a tradition. Sekiro which is offline-only has a pause button AFAIK and you can “pause” Bloodborne by pressing the home button.

    I’m not sure if there is ever a design benefit to not allowing pausing, it’s mostly from technical difficulties. Monster Hunter is identical to Dark Souls and always had a pause button since at least the Wii version.

  • Dumb question, but the word is “losing” right?

    At this point I think their escape strategy is a full Russian annexation so that Russia has to deal with the Nazis themselves for eastern NATO countries for free.

    By also for getting to claim “we warned you!!!” about Russia absolutely definitely wanting to annex the entirety of Ukraine from the start, historical development be damned.

    It’s been a while since I haven’t checked the lib instances and Reddit, how are they dealing with the war now?

  • That’s true, but at least they paint themselves and lay lip service to social-democracy, anti-racism and the like, even if they do nothing.

    For reference in Brazil those who either claim the term “liberal” or are called that is what you’d call “libertarians”. And in other countries where there’s an welfare state to denationalise, it’s the parties who want to denationalise those.

    Even if actual leftist groups correctly identify that US liberals are effectively the same, the term still means different things. It’s how you get expressions like “bleeding-heart liberal” as if liberalism was in any way related to activism. It’s a neverending source of international confusion for Yankees.

  • This is a notion that goes as far back as Engel’s principles of communism (section linked), that the revolution would be more likely in countries where the productive forces were the most developed, spreading outwards. Many (European) authors wrote something like that a lot basically up to the Russian revolution, where an actual successful revolution happened outside the imperial core and the European revolutions failed to follow through.

    AFAIK this was also the basis for one of the early theoretical splits between the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks and Trotsky in-between, with their theories of two-stage revolution/stagism (first a bourgeois revolution is necessary to end feudalism and develop capitalism, then a socialist revolution) or permanent revolution, which IIRC at some point was used to advocate for exporting the revolution to the imperial core in order to receive material support back from the developed nations.

    Now after the many ML revolutions peripheral nations, this position is reserved mostly to Western chauvinist social-democrats or revisionists, specially those who deny or ignore the theory of imperialism. AFAIK the standard notion now is that, with the exportation of capital and labour exploitation, and the opportunity for broad national anti-imperialist alliances, the peripheral nations are the ones with greater revolutionary potential.

    I may be wrong there, and if so, I’d be glad to be corrected.