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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Oh god I hate it. I can’t explain why it makes me feel so angry. Sometimes if I stretch with my arms up my husband will give me a little playful gentle poke in the ribs and I feel so bad because it honestly makes me want to punch him. I have this horrible visceral reaction to it. It doesn’t make me laugh at all, just feels like nails down a chalk board and painful at the same time.

  • The kids had a sleepover at grandparents last night which was amazing. We’ve been dealing with an ill cat who is still on nocturnal going out at night hours but she’s had to be kept in, so she’s been waking us up every night. She’s all better now so she can go out again. And my youngest now has her own room which despite being delighted with, still won’t stay in her own bed and gets in ours. So last night I went to bed at about 9:30 and had a completely uninterrupted sleep until 7:30. Bliss. I am now however full of a cold. Swings and roundabouts.