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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Buddy, if you really believe there are active socialist politicians within the US system, I don’t know what to tell you.

    Also, it’s kind of wild to call China “as capitalist as the US and EU”. Russia sure, its current system is very predatory capitalist in its makeup, even if they have particularly Russian characteristics to it. I mean, it’s hard to imagine Biden have Musk or Bezos dressed down on live television while stripping them of their assets, the way Putin did with a number of oligarchs early in his rule. But it’s very capitalist all the same. But China as capitalist as the US? That’s just nonsense. State capitalist I could understand, but capitalist like the US is just plain nonsense.

  • You can’t understand why or how communists and socialists would be anti-US and anti-EU? Really? Seems fairly self evident to me that that’d be the case. Why would you expect anything but hostility towards the ultra capitalist systems in the US or EU from communists and socialists? Seems like an odd complaint, anti-capitalist sentiment is part of the core of the ideology as I see it.

  • Heard a lot of shit Iran’s supposed to be involved with in the region, but it’s the first time I hear them being accused of having engineered the Israel -Palestine conflict. How do you figure that? I would’ve understood accusing France for their involvement in sykes-picot, or even the Turks since the Ottomans administered the region in early 20th century. But Iran started supporting the Palestinians after the 1979 revolution, before that the Shah very much supported Israel. So I have a hard time seeing how they could be blamed for engineering the conflict.

  • You really seem to know nothing about the geopolitics of the region. Iranians were put in that position when the regime was much weaker, and everyone united against the invader. Iranians are not likely to welcome anyone who tries to invade as an invasion inevitably massacres civilians, and foreigners killing Iranian civilians won’t be popular with you know, Iranian civilians.