I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I would be happy to give feedback, but I have no idea how to do so. On a few occasions, I have responded to posts, such as like on Lemmy where someone asked for suggestions to improve KDE. I still have no idea how to use GitHub at all, much less to provide feedback. I know GitHub is something I can work on to learn to interact with the FOSS development community, but it’s probably a major barrier to the non-tech people that use FOSS.

    Now that I think about it, I’m thinking it would increase non-tech interaction if developers of FOSS engaged the community through social media. Like, get on Lemmy, Mastodon, even Reddit, FB, and Instagram, and engage the community in these discussions. I think that will definitely increase engagement from the non-tech users, though some of those sites may feel like a betrayal of values. It seems like an interesting ethical dilemma.

    Edit: So I looked into it for KDE in particular. They actually have a Wiki that simplifies user engagement. Maybe promoting these avenues will also help engagement.

  • The chip thing is definitely an issue. However, even if they didn’t get any chip tech or factories, they still get the island. Militarily speaking, the situation is similar to Cuba and US during the Cold War. Taking control of the island will grant them more military security. Additionally, it will grant them control over the shipping lanes in the surroundings waters, which are heavily used for international trade.

    The US needs it for trade/their economy. China needs it to protect itself and gain more economic power. For these reasons, it makes sense for both China and the US to be heavily interested in controlling Taiwan. Personally, I really don’t see a likely solution to avoiding military conflict unless the powers of the two sides figure out how to resolve their antagonism, which I think is unlikely without a change in Chinese leadership.

  • Here’s the text that I got on my desktop:


    The Impact of Corporate Trolls on Reddit: A Growing Problem The rise of social media has brought about a new battleground for the spread of misinformation, manipulation of public opinion, and promotion of products and services. Reddit, one of the most popular social media platforms, has not been immune to this phenomenon.

    Two significant studies, the Pew Research Center study conducted in 2018 and the Computers in Human Behavior study published in 2020, have shed light on the prevalence and impact of corporate trolls on Reddit.

    Pew Research Center Study: Unveiling the Reach of Corporate Trolls The Pew Research Center study, conducted in 2018, delved into the experiences of 2,505 adult Americans who use Reddit.

    The findings were alarming, revealing that a considerable portion of Reddit users had directly encountered the influence of corporate trolls.

    The study found that 11% of the respondents had been contacted by a bot or troll attempting to promote a product or service. Even more concerning was the discovery that 13% of the respondents had witnessed a company manipulate public opinion on the platform.

    The study’s demographic analysis further highlighted the targeted nature of corporate trolling. Younger users, particularly those aged 18–29, were significantly more likely to be contacted by corporate trolls, with 17% of them reporting such experiences, compared to only 7% of users aged 65 and over. This age-based discrepancy underscores the strategic approach of corporate trolls in engaging with a demographic that is often more susceptible to their influence.

  • What about Panic Disorder Survival Horror? You have to get through a full week, including 5 work days, 2 social events, and an errand…except you can have a panic attack at any time but also have a heart condition, so you’re not sure if you’re really having a panic attack or heart attack. If you guess wrong, you lose. Also you have to have a completely empty bladder and colon so you don’t soil yourself at work and get fired or in a social setting and lose friends out of embarrassment if you happen to have a panic attack in those settings. Easy mode comes with a script for xanax. Hard mode comes with an abusive stalker ex and their family.

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlShould I leave Lemmy?
    7 months ago

    I’ve made online friends via the chat rooms for Lemmy communities, that lead to other chat rooms, an online chess buddy, and even a Minecraft server. Perhaps try engaging in some avenues to have more of a conversational style so that you can get to know other users through regular interactions and they can get to know you too. Eventually, you might find a group that you fit in well, and something might come of it.

  • I use KDE Neon, but highly recommend Linux Mint for new users. I’m not in the computer industry, yet I have tried a lot of distros over the past ~15 years. Out of all of them, Linux Mint had the easiest setup by far. The drivers worked without difficulty, the installation was intuitive, the Timeshift app helped me undo any problems I created while tweaking the system, and https://forums.linuxmint.com/ is quite helpful. Compare this with KDE Neon, that had me using a second computer for hours to figure out how to get my specific wifi card drivers working. Now that I have had enough time to learn about Linux and troubleshooting, I prefer KDE Neon for the desktop environment, but Linux Mint really is so easy. Again, I highly recommend it.

    Thanks for the write up, OP!