Just a learning boy who stumbled upon Marxist-Leninist ideology. I am now a learning ML trying to grow.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Libs love pointing out atrocities and crimes against humanity in China (supposed or actual), but rarely, if ever, point out Japan’s atrocities and crimes against humanity, and if someone does, they’ll probably scream whataboutism for the 5th time today, call the person a China simp, or just immediately shut up due to running out of thin-as-paper arguments for today.

  • Lolicon: Something about people having an affection-based complex and desire for Lolita-esque characters, which are (I think) legal-aged women with youthful bodies, at the oldest, they look like teens who haven’t turned 18 yet, at the youngest, “bro that looks like a literal child”.

    While being a lolicon is technically legal, it’s still fucking weird to see these weirdos simp over a someone that looks like a kid/pre-teen/not 18 or 19 teen, regardless of established canon age, like bro that ficitonal gal looks and acts like a fucking kid-

    Also, shotacon, it’s equally weird as lolicon, somewhat same shit, but it’s young looking men this time.