• 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve been wanting to do some hair removal, but I’ve got this pre-planned trip to Texas coming up so… Don’t really want to make any noticeable changes before that. But definitely this winter when I can experiment undetected under long clothing 😁💯

    I’ve not gone out full fem, but I’m pretty sure I would get looks. I have went out a couple times in polish and for the most part, I don’t think anyone acted like they noticed. One time I was an anxious wreck though, hiding my hands half the day.

  • Your story sounds similar to mine. I was still struggling with the labels so all I could say was “not cis” but that’s a difficult thing to tell someone you’ve been in a relationship with for 10+years “hey… I might not be who we thought I was” 😅

    I’m happy to hear she is accepting and working through it with you. Mine kind of had a crisis of her own trying to reconcile her side of feelings but is supportive and seems more confident in our relationship now, which is awesome. It’s definitely not easy but the help is awesome!

    My therapist told me at one point “you haven’t shown this much personality before” and I think I’ve seen her in and off a couple years now 😅 although, I got an antidepressant combo that may have helped that, and also probably allowed me enough mental bandwidth to realize I was an egg too!

    Also, out of curiosity, did you also spend too much time in egg_irl? 😂