• 34 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2022


  • In America, one can’t not choose fascism.

    You do that by not voting for it.

    No vote => fascism.

    Yes but not with your support.

    Between the choice of voting vs not voting, can you tell me based on material results, how voting is a worse choice than not voting?

    Not voting doesn’t cost you your morality. Voting to support fascism makes you a fascist enabler. Complaining that you’re a willing hostage doesn’t cut it or give you any ethical excuse.

    You’re gambling that you think you know which is worse. You got it wrong last time, Biden’s genocide proves that even if his war in Ukraine didn’t already. And now you want to gamble again, betting your soul on it.

    Where is my logic faulty?

    The whole “justifying the support of genocides abroad” because it might alleviate the suffering of a tiny sliver of a percentage of Americans, who are 4% of the world part. i guess American lives comfort are is more important.

  • In good faith, I do ask my fellow comrades what the end goal is if Trump is elected though?

    And likewise, what is the end goal with Biden, or anyone else?

    I haven’t made up my mind if I’ll vote for Biden yet, but I am incredibly scared that if Trump wins, I may not be around much to fight back against Trump if he is elected.

    Something that strikes me with all of these justifications I see from Americans about why they have no choice but to support a system that produces malicious, mass murdering white supremacists like Biden is the selfishism inherent in the excuses. The smol bean idpol self pity. “I’m trans so he’ll genocide me instead of millions of foreigners.” is a common one I’m seeing around. Or worse again, “I have to protect my trans allies by supporting genocide.

    If someone puts a gun to my head and tells me to kill someone else or they’ll kill me, you know what, I’m not killing anyone. Let them kill me, I’m not playing their game.

    Something like 4.5 million dead in your name over the past 20 years and it’s all “poor me, if I don’t help them do these things then I might suffer instead”.

    Nobody’s saying you have to go on an adventurist spree but you need to absolutely not be taking part and be prepared to lose all your friends and family over this latest atrocity. This one’s the worst in quite a while. You’ll have plenty of license to run your mouth at length.

  • The system doesn’t care about the reason you held in your heart while you endorsed and supported genocide. It only tallies the choices of you and others who excuse, enable and support America’s atrocities.

    When you talk about someone worse than trump sure

    Okay so you’re no longer giving carte blanche to absolutely anyone but Trump. But let’s stop here and ask what you mean by “worse”. Is it something that’s worse only for the rights of a subset of American citizens? Or worse for the millions of innocents killed by the USA abroad? Because already Biden’s been worse on that count. Sure you could argue that Trump might have been worse, but we only get this timeline. What is worse to you? How do you quantify that? “Damaging” to what exactly?

    And please don’t make assumptions about what I said and distort it

    There’s no assumption. You want to legitimise the USA’s corrupt politics by taking part in its fraudulent “democracy” charade. You’re a willing hostage to this phony theatre.

    but no need to get nasty about it.

    I’m talking to someone who’s open about their tacit support for genocide and many other atrocities. I don’t apologise for my tone.

  • By voting you are personally endorsing the actions taken by them. You are not required to take part, you are choosing to support them.

    And if the choice is trump vs someone I would strongly consider the someone

    You think it’s not possible to get someone worse than Trump?

    the way he galvanizes American people behind fascism and violence towards anything and anyone that stands in their way and how hard he makes for any reasonable debate to be had,

    Have you looked at the news recently? Do you think you don’t have fascism today? Reasonable debate? I just watched that removed continue to justify an ongoing genocide by describing 40 beheaded babies a month after that story was thoroughly debunked and retracted, and you’re thinking “This is how we avoid tyranny. This guy right here.”?

    so yeah I would vote against trump

    You don’t get to vote against anyone, you only get to vote for someone.

    vote steer the ship to the least menacing rocks.

    I love how this analogy just places the blame on some natural unthinking phenomenon like a storm, rather than a conniving cabal of imperialist capitalists bent on amassing power by making fools like you engage with their corrupt systems.

    Lenin had a clear strategy, you do not, all you have is a heartless shrug at the millions that will be killed by whichever stooge gets to be figurehead. Your responsibility is to overthrow this crooked system, not make excuses and pretend you’ve no other choice.