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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • A mediocre episode whose saving grace was the message. I get what they were going for and I agree with it, as an episode though… meh. It would have been nice to see the Federation fight back a little bit, just for drama purposes. The vibe I got was that even the prosecution was not 100% on board with the law but since it was a law they had to uphold it; imo it would have been more interesting to have a more passionate prosecution. Measure of a Man had Riker, Drumhead had Satie, both good opponents for the heroes. Who was the antagonist here? The bald Vulcan guy who spoke for 2 minutes?

    Also the flashback made me feel like the director thinks I’m some sort of idiot who can’t remember what happened a few minutes ago. What was the point of that?

    I also feel like the episode squandered the opportunity to explore the theme of genetic engineering itself. Why is it so dangerous anyway? Would’ve been nice to hear that side of the argument.

    As a sidenote, I don’t like how bigoted the Federation appears to be; this whole ban on augments never sat right with me, not in DS9 and not now.