PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.

Alt account on https://kbin.run/u/CharlesReed

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • These are two that might be well known, but I don’t really hear people talking about:

    • I use Map Genie quite a bit. It’s just a bunch of interactive maps for a lot of different games, but it’s really helpful when looking for that one item you’re missing, or waypoints in general. It’s mostly geared towards open world games.
    • I also use How Long To Beat if I looking to play a new game but don’t really want to spend over a certain amount of hours playing. (Although I’m a bit of a slow player, so whatever completion times are listed I have to multiply by 2).

    The other reference sites I use like NeoSeeker and Game FAQs are pretty well known and have been around for ages.

  • Diablo 3: Season 29 - Completed the Guardian chapter! Now I have only one more objective/conquest to finish out the season. I was going to try to go for the one of completing the campaign under 1 hour, but I quickly realized I would not be good at that by any means. So I’m working on the one for going through a level 55 greater rift with 6 different set bonuses. Sounds easy enough, but since I usually only use one character per season, I’m having to level up another for their set run.

    Diablo 4: Season 2 - Still working on reaching level 90.

    Gray Dawn - I’ve played my fair share of bizarre games, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever said “wtf” so many times while playing a game. So much so that I just kind of gave up on trying to figure things out about halfway through and was there for the ride. Before I actually started it, I read it described as a “priest simulator”, and that it did seem to be at times. I’m not really into structured religion, so there were probably a lot of symbolism that went over my head and/or didn’t make sense. (I also got a strange feeling towards the end that I wasn’t actually the target audience? Like this was a horror game, but not for people like me.)
    Apparently I got the “good” ending, which didn’t really seem that good at all, so I went and got the bad ending… which was just as much ‘meh’ as the other ending was. Overall, the pacing was a little slow and at times it seemed to drag on at times. Some of the voice acting also left something to be desired, but it wasn’t horrible, and the main redeeming factor is that the imagery was really cool.


    Even though some of the imagery isn’t explained? Like there is what looks like a bloody wax child with one eye in a glass case in this dude’s library, and it’s just… never talked about? I mean there’s a lot of things in this game where it’s just, oh something spooky! Satan’s out to get you! Blood and guts, bleh! But like I was sitting there wondering, is this dude just not going to mention it? Has it always been there? If it has, why? If it hasn’t, why isn’t he saying anything about it!
    Also there’s a lot of Latin in this game that whenever I tried to look it up it just ended up being lyrics to old metal songs, which in itself is kind of hilarious to me, given the subject and themes of the game.

    I also did a quick run through the original Dead Space (2008) since I’ll be jumping into the remake soon. I’ve only heard good things, but I’m eager to see for myself how the new one compares, since it’s one of my favorite franchises. I’m stoked that they brought back Isaac’s voice actor from 2 and 3. I can’t imagine anyone else but Gunner Wright as Isaac Clarke.

  • CharlesReed@kbin.socialOPtoFoodPorn@lemmy.worldBaked Taco Ziti
    7 months ago

    For sure, this is the recipe I used as a baseline, although I modified it as follows:

    • used ziti pasta instead of macaroni
    • used Mexican style four cheese shredded cheese instead of just cheddar
    • used diced tomatoes in addition to tomato sauce
    • did not use Parmesan cheese or green onions (although obviously you can if you want)
    • mixed the ziti and meat before spooning it into the pan

    I think next time I may use more meat, but it still turned out great!

  • Diablo 3: Season 29 - Working on stocking up on Torment 16 bounty caches for the Avarice conquest (completing a 50,000,000 gold streak). It’s taking me longer than I anticipated, but then again, I keep getting distracted by the Visions of Enmity. I really need to start ignoring those portals.

    Diablo 4: Season 2 - Snagged the Razorplate chest armor with around 15,000 Thorns and a level 925 bow, so I’ve been kicking ass and actually surviving Helltides. My current goal is reaching level 90.

    No one lives under the lighthouse - This was the first time I played this game, and it was amazing. It’s been sitting in my Steam library since this past spring, and I didn’t really know a lot about it going in except that is was more or less atmospheric horror. It was not what I was expecting, and in a good way. It was way more horrifying and lightly Lovecraftian than I thought it would be, since I was expecting something more similar to Dear Esther or What Remains of Edith Finch where I just kind of walk around while learning the story, so I was pleasantly surprised when I actually had work to do lol. I thought I’d get sick of the pixel art graphics, but it held up pretty well, and I even got some nice screenshots out of it. The only parts that were relatively frustrating were two weird chase scenes, but luckily the game gave me the choice to skip them after dying so many times. I’ve read that there’s multiple endings, but I was satisfied with the one that I got (whichever one it is), since it was pretty much like a light bulb going off in my head and made sense with the story as I understood it. Parts of it felt very Amnesia-like as well, which is always a plus for me. I don’t plan on 100% it any time soon, because it’s definitely one of those games I like to finish in one go, but I think I’ll have fun whenever I do.

  • I haven’t been playing as much since I’ve been prepping for Thanksgiving, but I still had some time for Diablo 3: Season 29. I spent nearly all week looking for a Treasure Goblin to open a portal to The Vault so I could slay Greed for one of the Conqueror chapter tasks. I came across quite a few of those lil guys, but they kept being stingy with the portal. Then I finally found a Puzzle Ring, surprisingly the first one I’ve found all season. Popped it into Kanai’s Cube and finally got into The Vault. Now I’m back to working on Rifts, honing my time down to below four minutes for Torment 13. I’ve also hit that point where it feels like I’m leveling up suuuupppppeeerrr slowly, so, uh, that’s fun.
    Haven’t done too much with Diablo 4 this week, but I’m hoping to get a few tasks done between family visits this coming week.

  • Dishonored is amazing! I love that even though the story is pretty linear (and a great story it is), there’s so many ways to go about to achieve the objectives. It’s a fun time.
    I played Dishonored 2 once, but I couldn’t really get into it because, one, I didn’t like the changes they made to the Outsider, and two, for whatever reason it felt kinda depressing to play. It was pretty cool you could choose who to play as though. I’ve thought about revisiting it at least once more to play as Corvo, since I picked Emily the first time.