• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Also I believe it’s disingenuous to equate explodingheads, which was defederated for being extremely toxic due to its lack of moderation

    Okay, right here, stop for a second and think. Picture in your head what happens on Meta platforms daily. Think about the rampant hate, harassment (especially of LGBTQIA people) and open radicalization/right wing propaganda/science denial that goes on completely unchecked on all platforms Meta, and has for years – despite Zuck’s yearly hangdog visits to Congress and the EU denying all problems while simultaneously promising to do better.

    And as an extra mental boot, think of all the people – especially the young ones – who get openly and unrestrainedly bullied on Meta platforms, Lord of the Flies style, to the literal point of attempted or completed suicide. And consider how all Meta does, each and every time it happens, is mouth platitudes about thoughts, prayers, and their overwhelming commitment to safe platforms plus zero tolerance for bullying, as though that shit isn’t front and center on their platforms, ALWAYS.

    Okay, carry on:

    and meta which presumably has more resources to devote to moderation than any fedi instance (of course they are still terrible at it)

    It’s not a matter of being terrible, and I’m not saying you’re wrong, but terrible implies that they try and fail.

    I posit that they do not try: this is their actual profit structure.

    It’s a matter of willfully avoiding even basic moderation duties because higher emotional load equals more engagement, more engagement means more content generation, more content generation means more user data and targeted ad revenue.

    Apples and oranges, swings and roundabouts. Whatever you think of federating with Threads, do it or don’t do it, there really is NO possible comparison between Meta platforms and the Fediverse, nor how they are run and moderated (or not), nor the goals that motivate the administrators of both.

  • Yes. My personal guess is that they want to start Threads as just another Federation instance where people build communities and relationships across instances as they do already, and act like a good Fediverse instance, all friendly and open and free . . . and then once there’s enough popularity and/or cross-traffic they will wall off the Threads portion and monetize access, so you’re forced to either pay up to continue in the parts you like and are invested in, or walk away leaving everything you put into it to Meta and paying users.

    Oh, and they’ll suck up as much Fediverse data as they can too, while they’re at it: anything they have access to will be hoovered up for their commercial use, just as it is now. Federating means that all federated traffic will be propagated to Meta servers in due course, and we all know Meta has zero intention of being bound by any agreements in regard to the data of others, regardless of what platitudes they mouth.

    On a personal level, I don’t give a shit whether lemmy.world federates with Threads, but only because I have already made the decision personally not to participate in ANYTHING Meta, and that includes here on the Fediverse.

    I’m already here because Reddit pulled that same shit, and I walked away then too. I learned my lesson. No way will I knowingly cross that line into personally investing time and attention into what Meta could wall off at any time and monetize without recourse for anyone who does make that mistake.

    And I’d rather they not have my data, but it’s not like I’m in any position to stop or prevent it. Best I can do is stay away from all Meta products, apps, trackers, and cookies.

    TL;DR: People can do what they want with Threads, federate or don’t, participate or don’t, just know that Meta can and will wall it off at any time and expect participants to pay in some way to continue.

  • No need to guess at why he did it; Navalny explained exactly why he went back literally in the first minute of his Putin’s Palace video, which he specifically timed to release on the same day he arrived back in Russia.

    Hi, it’s Navalny. We came up with this investigation when I was in intensive care, but we immediately agreed that we would release it when I returned home, to Russia, to Moscow, because we do not want the main character of this film to think that we are afraid of him and that I will tell about his worst secret while abroad. One of these viewers is the most devoted admirer of our work, on whose orders I was poisoned, is Vladimir Putin. He is definitely watching this now, and his heart is filling with nostalgia. This is not only an investigation, but also, in a sense, a psychological portrait.

    That portion of the transcript comes right after the silent opening text where protests are announced that coincide with his return to Moscow and guaranteed arrest.

    Why can’t you believe what Navalny said himself? Or are you just sealioning?

    Also, for anyone who hasn’t seen it, the video is excellent and the same information is presented on his text site (it is in Russian; use Google Translate or another translator to get the English version): https://palace.navalny.com/

  • I’m glad you took it that way, because it was indeed meant as a compliment. In real life I’ve actually gotten into some tight spots using “thank you” as code for “fuck off and die” (it is occasionally taken as implied consent instead of as a FOAD imperative) so I recognize it is an art to be simultaneously both unfailingly polite and straightforwardly factual and still communicate effectively. Glad you’re not deleting your comments: to be agreed with or disagreed with is not a valid measure of personal worth.

    Yeah, I’m not missing Reddit karma either. I tried not to pay a lot of attention to it, but Reddit makes sure you see your grand total wherever you go on the site. Here on lemmy.world, I think I have to sign in on the old.lemmy.world format just to even view my lemmy total, so I literally have not seen my karma or vote count or whatever in months. Refreshing.

  • I have a confession: I might actually be a leftist and not just a mere crunchy liberal, but I have no fucking idea because we no longer live in a world where nuance in the face of oncoming fascism has any real place for expression. I can read books and articles about it, but I’m far more about the practical realities of it: where is it in practice?

    Right now, there’s no place for that level of distinction. We are quickly distilling ourselves into Team Humanity vs. Team Ovens, with no real idea of who will win, or how long the fight will go on as we slip father and farther away from democracy as a society.

    It is, exactly as you said, a matter of simply keeping your beliefs for now, if not outwardly realized, just because of what the relatively sane majority is facing from the rabid, corrupt, and completely off-their-fucking-meds minority.

    It is my sincere hope that I live long enough to see what an actual leftist government stands for. Who knows, I might even like it. But for now, it’s just all hands against fascism, and whatever the fuck I am, am NOT on Team Ovens.

  • Yeah, that’s a weird one. I posted the article because of all the questions surrounding Altman’s firing, but the article itself is pretty much just a laundry list of one guy’s assholery:

    • Altman was psychologically abusive, the employees alleged, creating pockets of chaos and delays at the artificial-intelligence start-up

    • pitted employees against each other in unhealthy ways

    • lied to OpenAI board as part of a campaign to remove a board member

    • key leaders found interacting with Altman highly toxic

    • employees said they feared retaliation from Altman

    • Altman was hostile after an employee shared critical feedback with the CEO and later undermined that employee to their team

    • employees described facing intense peer pressure to sign the mass-resignation letter

    • “People texted each other at 2-2:30 am begging people with write access to type their name” (not directly about Altman, but what kind of cult job requires you to be text-available 24/7?)

    Ultimately, “the board’s vote was triggered by a pattern of manipulation and rooted in Altman’s attempts to avoid checks on his power at OpenAI.”

    That’s a better summary, and I bet I saved more words, lol

  • They already have. Abortion is healthcare; where they’ve outlawed it they’ve literally outlawed the free practice of OB/GYN medicine, and instead subjected it to political oversight with criminal penalties. The OB/GYNs, unsurprisingly, are leaving red states, and the new ones are refusing residencies there. Maternity units and even a few hospitals have already closed in rural red areas, especially Idaho, leaving remote pregnant women with zero local OB/GYN care or delivery facilities. (If I’m preaching to the choir here, I do apologize lol)

    They already have left it in shambles. And they’ve only just started.

    This is just one more thing on the hot steaming pile of Republican red state horseshit.