Cuteness enjoyer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • TWM resize your windows automatically as you create windows or move them around. This is the key: TWM’s work best with applications that work well in a variety of sizes. Usually this means text based applications: terminals, IDE’s, browsers, chat apps, etc. GIMP for example didn’t really work well for me unless I used it on its own workspace. It comes down to this: how much of the time do you use text based applications? For me, that’s almost always. I rarely touch something that is not a terminal or a browser. For you it might be different. Good luck.

  • There are some DAWs like Ardour and LMMS for linux. The bigger issue is plugins. They are mostly NOT for Linux. There are some but the selection is not big. You can use a VST-bridge like Carla. It worked for me, I could use proprietary windows based VSTs in LMMS on Linux. However, I wanted to go fully FOSS. This is rather difficult. You make it sound like there are a bunch of open source plugins. This was not my experience. Especially not if you are looking for more specific things. If it is like that, shit has changed radically for the best the last two years. I had some coding projects related to music production so I would just try to build whatever I needed. But I dropped these projects unfortunately.

  • Selection of my fish abbreviations for comfy terminal creatures:

    # MISC -----------------
    abbr -a la 'exa -la'
    abbr -a p 'python'
    abbr -a v 'nvim'
    abbr -a rmd 'rm -rf'
    abbr -a feh 'feh --scale-down -d'
    abbr -a ka 'doas killall'
    abbr -a fp 'ffplay'
    abbr -a ff 'firefox'
    abbr -a tree 'exa -T'
    abbr -a libver 'dpkg -l | grep'
    abbr -a ex 'chmod +x'
    # specific file and directory based
    abbr -a notes 'nvim ~/.vimwiki/'
    abbr -a idir 'cd ~/some/important/dir'
    abbr -a fishconf 'nvim ~/.config/fish/'
    abbr -a vimconf 'nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'
    abbr -a i3conf 'nvim ~/.config/i3/config'
    # PACMAN ---------------
    abbr -a pin 'doas pacman -S'
    abbr -a pun 'doas pacman -Rns'
    abbr -a pss 'pacman -Ss'
    abbr -a pls 'pacman -Qd'
    abbr -a aurls 'paru -Qm'
    abbr -a pct 'pacman -Q | wc -l'
    abbr -a syu 'paru -Syu'
    abbr -a pcl 'paccache -r -k 1; paru --cc;'
    abbr -a pfd 'pacman -Qs'
    # GIT ------------------
    abbr -a ga 'git add -A; git status'
    abbr -a gr 'git reset'
    abbr -a gd 'git diff'
    abbr -a gc 'git commit -m'
    abbr -a gdc 'git diff HEAD~0 --stat'
    abbr -a gl 'git log'
    abbr -a gb 'git branch'
    abbr -a gp 'git push origin'
    abbr -a gch 'git checkout'
    abbr -a gam 'git commit --amend - m'
    abbr -a gcl 'git clone'
    # RUST -----------------
    abbr -a cc 'cargo clippy --all-features'
    abbr -a ccc 'cargo check'
    abbr -a cb 'cargo build'
    abbr -a cr 'cargo run'
    abbr -a cbr 'cargo build --release'
    abbr -a crr 'cargo run --release'
    abbr -a ct 'cargo test'
    abbr -a ctt 'cargo tarpaulin --ignore-tests --skip-clean'
    abbr -a bacon 'bacon clippy-all -w'
    abbr -a cil 'cargo install --path ./'
    abbr -a cia 'cargo install-update -a'
    abbr -a ca 'cargo add'

  • It doesn’t seem to work on my end. There is no thumbnail, clicking on the ‘image’ icon doesn’t show it. I can only get to the image if I click on the post and then click on the title of the post and then it opens up, but by replacing the tab by the image.


    Ok, this is quite weird, your example works fine on Chromium but not on Firefox. I hardened my firefox a bit so maybe it’s my fault. It doesn’t work because Twitter put in trackers along with the image and thus it is blocked. I will avoid linking to media from twitter directly.