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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • Maybe narrow the search window by finding some quality resources that are drilled down a bit already and having your students get in the habit of searching those specific sources first before searching at random on the internet.

    My issues when i’ve tried to look up problems through random internet searches:

    1. I have no idea what the thing I’m trying to do is called or how to describe it correctly. Ill only know what the outcome is supposed to look like or can only really describe what I’m “seeing” which means I’m going to be using the wrong words to describe things.

    2. Places like StackOverflow can be okay for finding helpful solutions, but the questions that have already been asked look similar but are different enough situations that the solutions aren’t 1:1 with my problem, which just leads to more researching. This could be cool if I wasn’t under any deadlines or other time constraints, but this is rarely the case so it leads to a great deal of frustration.

    3. In the off chance I find some post with a really close 1:1 match with my issue, so many of the comments/solutions will ignore things the OP posted about and will wind up being not solutions at all. As an example: Recently I’ve been looking around for ways to figure out 1) where are nonprinting characters in my spreadsheet ripped from some website application generated report and 2) which nonprinting characters are they so I can remove them to see if that is what’s messing up my ability to get the silly spreadsheet to sort my silly records in nonsilly ways. All I’ve been getting as answers are 1)download somebody’s spreadsheet macro (which I’m not allowed to do because… reasons) and 2) “jUsT uSe =cLeAn() or =TrIm(), iT wOrKs EvErY tIme!” But they don’t work because clean() only works on a preset list of nonprinting characters that doesn’t include all nonprinting characters and trim() only works on “space” character.

    4. Lots of search results where its just SEO/AI generated blogs which all pretty much have copy pasted each others information and little of it new or helpful.

    5. Answers to a problem with a workflow that doesn’t explain what do when there is a problem encountered when trying to follow the workflow. (For me this usually looks like: “Hey, follow this workflow to get into the workbooks settings and then click these check boxes” but whatever version they’re using doesn’t match my version so it becomes another research project to figure out “where did this check box move to in my version?”)

  • D61 [any]@hexbear.nettoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHow poor is the average American?
    7 months ago

    Lots of us poors just don’t vote at all.

    We’re working all the time, so its difficult to find the time and energy to try to be up to date on the local politicians and ballot measures in any real way and even find time away from work to physically go vote (because who the fuck even knows if the mail in ballots even get counted assuming you can get one and figure out how to mail it back in).

    Also, there isn’t anybody to vote for. Your options are Dem, Repub, Libertarian, Independent. And none of the politicians running under those banners are actually offering any drastic material change to a shitty system. During the last mid terms where I live, I took a few hours to find who was going to be on the local ballot and skim their websites. The farthest “left” candidates were the Dems and the choices where “Religious Person”, “Religious Person”, “Milquetoast Boilerplate Dem”, and “Cryptobro.” None of them run off voting year outreach programs where they help people in need navigate the few social support programs in the deep red state where I live. None of them advocate for vacant houses, apartments, empty hotel/motel rooms to be appropriated by the city government to house those without homes. None of these candidates even really exist outside of the 12 months between filing their intent to run, securing their spot on the ballots before they’re printed, and the final vote counts are certified.

  • From the article linked by @BidensGranddaughter

    The move is largely seen by Maduro’s critics as an attempt to shore up domestic support at home and is also a response to Guyana’s increasingly close military ties with the US . Caracas insists that the referendum is purely consultative and non-binding, and that it has no intention of annexing the territory. But at the same time it is increasing its military activity close to the border with Essequibo, ostensibly to combat illegal mining activities.


    The government of Guyana is also raising the stakes. Up until last week it had repeatedly denied allegations from Caracas that it was planning to invite US Southern Command to set up a forward operating base in Essequibo. But then last Friday the country’s Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said in a press conference:

    “We have never been interested in military bases, but we have to protect our national interest… We’re going to be working with a number of countries on greater defence cooperation. We will have from the US Department of Defence next week two visits to Guyana, by two teams . And then several other visits in the month of December and then high level representation from the Department of Defence here.”

    …That territory is not only rich in oil and gas but also boasts other mineral deposits, including Gold and Bauxite…

    The US and Guyana already signed an agreement in 2020 to undertake joint military patrols in the Essequibo region, ostensibly for “drug interdiction” …

  • I’m not reading through all the comments to see if somebody has already mentioned these…

    1. A game where you start out Godlike, superbuffed, maxed stats, best equipment whatever… but to progress through the game you slowly start to give up your gear, quit using your best skills (until they atrophy and are lost/drastically weakened) to end the game as a regular person just doing regular things. The catch would be to wrap a good story around why you’d be giving up all your cool shit.

    2. A FPS that is split between the cutscenes of the warriors talking shit and the generals talking shit and the actual gameplay of you being a random nobody who is just trying to survive. You can’t pick up weapons, because you dont know how to use them or it draws attention and you get attacked directly by the soldiers of both armies. Maybe there’d be NPC’s at the beginning of the levels that you’d sorta be expected to try to keep alive but inevitably they would start to get picked off by cross fire, artillery, tanks, booby traps set by the fighting soldiers, etc.

    3. An RPG where the basic game loop is kinda flipped. Where you’d expect to have random encounters and fights, you’d be able to see the mobs and the interactions would be more of the “Talk” or “Trade” variety but doing things like opening a door or crossing a bridge or equipping a weapon starts a fight. Usually your character would have something wrong with them… so like, going to sleep would leave you with sleep in your eye or groggy and trying to search or open things would start the encounter. Another example, your character’s let gets hurt and now your random encounter is with the cobblestones that you’re trying to walk on to get to the house of healing.

    4. An RPG in the style of like the NES/SNES Final Fantasy games or the Earthbound/Mother series where you’re characters are trying to start a band and the Random Encounters aren’t fights but gigs. You finish the fights by either playing really well a type of music the crowd wants/likes, playing poorly or playing something the crowd doesn’t want/like until they kick you off stage. The goals are things like, getting better equipment, playing notable venues, making a name for yourselves and making it to “The Big Show”.