A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • You are equating all Palestinians as Hamas which is just factually wrong.

    Hamas is the government of Gaza, which is part of Palestine. If you look at the link I provided it shows that Hamas and the Oct 7 attack has popular support both in Gaza and the west bank.

    Israel are in did fighting a war to commit genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

    They are not. They go to great lengths to choose legal targets and even built an AI to select targets to this end. Perhaps there’s a reasonable case to be made that they are causing too many collateral deaths, but high deaths via collateral damage does not a genocide make.

    This is not even debatable or something that Israel itself hides.

    I call bullshit, iirc there was one Israeli mayor who said something fucked up but he does not speak for Israel as a whole. Citation, please.

    About half the population in Gaza are children. They also represent a significant share of the casualties and injured. … Tell me how indiscriminate bombings like that are justified.

    This is the tragic yet predictable consequence of supporting a government whose belligerents provoke their militarily superior neighbor then hides their members and military assets among the children, hospitals, and refugee camps of their own nation. Israel’s attacks aren’t indiscriminate, unlike the rockets that Palestinian groups regularly fire into Israeli populations.

    Tell me how any of those children want to exterminate Jews and how Israel needs to defend itself from them.

    You think you’re being facetious, but they do in fact teach their children to do this. Plenty more footage like that is available if you go looking, including Hamas summer camp.

    And yes Israel did start this, decades and decades ago, and they are continuing with their plan.

    Israel started off legally buying land in the levant, until Arab nationalists started murdering them for it, kicking off the cycle of violence that continues to this day and convincing the British that a 2-state solution was impossible. This is what caused the UN borders to be drawn and Israel to declare itself its own country. Palestine and its allies immediately declared war on them because they did not like this, and lost, causing the Nakba for those who left. Those who stayed are faring comparably better. Then they tried and failed, again, and again, and again, for 70 years… It reminds me of this meme.

    Hamas and Israel are both benefitting from this at the expense of civilian casualties.

    This is the first thing you’ve said that I agree with.

  • The amount of killing and massacre of villages, camps, displacin people, taking their actual homes, and continue to bomb hospitals, killing kids since the British were there… all of which is documented yet is not enough for “DarkGamer” to compare Nazi Germany with Isreal.

    Neither side has clean hands in this conflict, however Israel didn’t start it. They have been attacked time and time again for the last 70 years and I find their restraint to be incredible. Instead of going all out they have incrementally tried to set up a system of incentives and disincentives to prevent hostility, it hasn’t worked.

    Israel is not fighting a war to exterminate the Palestinians, they are fighting a war in Gaza to be safe from the Palestinian’s popular terrorist government that just attacked their civilians, (not collateral damage mind you, an actual war crime.)

    Jews were killed in Nazi Germany by their own government because of baseless conspiracy theory and scapegoating. Palestinians are killed by Israel because Palestine keeps trying to murder Jews, wants to genocide them, and when they had the upper hand their forces ethnically cleansed Jews from the west bank and Jerusalem . If anything, the other side is far more Nazi-like, they simply lack the means to exterminate them like the Nazis did. Further evidence of this is how each respective nation treats its LGBT people and women.

    It’s a myopic and rather offensive position to take that Israel of all places is behaving like their historical murderers, but this hot take sure gets you a lot of emotional attention I suppose, “Doorbook.”

  • China’s big problem is what they offer internationally is cheap labor and they’re going through a population collapse now, like other countries that ascend economically, people have fewer kids and younger workers want better salaries and conditions, (understandably so!) This combined with the US’s trade war with them has caused international companies to move a lot of production to other impoverished nations like Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Mexico, among others instead of to China. China’s economic miracle was because of this large pool of population that is vanishing. Sacrificing soldiers of reproductive age would accelerate this problem.