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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m all for defederating, but only until we know what their intentions are. I’m more worried about Mastodon than Lemmy, but still, that’s not the point. The only power any of us have is to file an official complaint with the FTC and make a distinct point, not just “I hate meta/Facebook and want them to go away” it has to be a logical complaint such as “their terms of service are overstepping their boundaries and taking ownership of data on competing platforms that they do not own to lock out competitors.” It’s really the only thing anyone in the US can do.

    I would hate for the fediverse to die by zuck the cuck’s hand, but the sad truth is open source is the enemy of corporate platforms, and it’s encouraging enough that ActivityPub is enough of a threat to Meta that they’re willing to go to these measures to make sure their bottom line isn’t harmed. The real fucked up thing is their intention to farm other platforms users with their consent and that’s the real problem.

  • They actually are being phased out. Traditional AD powered through LDAP is going the way of the dodo with the inception of azure AD and exchange is getting replaced by o365 for business. As for Outlook, the latest version is trash and Excel is great for the most part but when you build entire workflows out of Excel with Oracle connections and pivot tables it’s complete dog shit to manage from an IT perspective. There’s a reason damn near every web server ruins through Apache on a Linux box instead of IIS.

  • The only reason any of those businesses use Microsoft products is because of active directory and exchange. Both of which are legacy products that are being, if not already, phased out. The real truth is this, the enterprise runs on Microsoft, but the world runs on Linux. Windows is so bad for containers that Microsoft has to make their own distro of Linux specifically for containers with azure Linux and that’s just one example of the technical debt Windows creates. The quicker NT can finally die is when the world can finally move towards real innovation instead of being handicapped by Microsoft and their unfair business practices. Some of us haven’t forgotten “embrace, extend, and extinguish” which is exactly what they’re doing in the gaming markets by buying up the competition.

  • You realize cyberpunk wasn’t the only game they’ve made that needed fixed after release right? Both W1 and 2 had enhanced edition patches to fix the broken shit in both games. W1 was a 7/10 game on release by multiple outlets. W3 was the first game they actually took their time with and delayed multiple times to avoid the enhanced edition patches. Anyone who thought cyberpunk was going to be flawless on release was breathing in that hopium.