• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t think higher graphics requirements hurt creativity, you can have an unrealistic looking game that is very GPU-intensive, I was mainly concerned about the costs and wasted money/efforts.

    But lowering the graphics budget - and the budget in general - can make creativity/risk-taking a more appealing option for AAA studios.

    Edit : I just noticed both sentences kind of contradict each other but you get the point.

  • As someone who has pirated many games, and who lives in a 3rd world country that barely cares about most minor physical crimes, I am not worried in the slightest.

    everything after this point is closer to a rant and unrelated.

    minor includes, but isn’t limited to: corruption, driving opposite side, hitting someone with your car as long as they don’t get seriously hurt (It happened in front of me once and it was kinda funny to be honest, the man got hit and kinda slept on the hood), damaging public property, blocking the sidewalks with your shop, Using a drill to draw a heart on the middle of the street to celebrate your marriage, blasting music hearable 3 blocks away several hours a day, and 12-year-olds driving cars

    Piracy is 100% unpunishable where I live. (also atleast 90% of the population doesn’t know that software - aside of no-body-uses Google play apps - costs money, including Windows 7 and office 2010*)

    *This is why I cannot share .odt Libre Office files.