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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • This is an idea straight out of science fiction that was meant to be a warning, not a guide. From “Rainbow’s End” by Vernor Vinge.

    Tiny flecks of white floated and swirled in the column of light. Snowflakes? But one landed on his hand: a fleck of paper. And now the ripping buzz of the saw was still louder, and there was also the sound of a giant vacuum cleaner…

    Brrrap! A tree shredder!

    Ahead of him, everything was empty bookcases, skeletons. Robert went to the end of the aisle and walked toward the noise. The air was a fog of floating paper dust. In the fourth aisle, the space between the bookcases was filled with a pulsing fabric tube. The monster worm was brightly lit from within. At the other end, almost twenty feet away, was the worm’s maw - the source of the noise… The raging maw was a “Navicloud custom debinder.” The fabric tunnel that stretched out behind it was a “camera tunnel…” The shredded fragments of books and magazines flew down the tunnel like leaves in a tornado, twisting and tumbling. The inside of the fabric was stiched with thousands of tiny cameras. The shreds were being photographed again and again, from every angle and orientation, till finally the torn leaves dropped into a bin just in front of Robert.

  • Also not sure how you missed it but a lot of fans have shown dissatisfaction about this current formula. Arlo is just adding to the already current situation.

    I didn’t miss it. I just think it’s confirmation bias. You’re seeing a lot of very vocal people that claim to be fans. Obviously the fans that don’t have any complaints are quieter.

    I’ve played almost all the big Zelda titles and your comment about the puzzles just doesn’t make any sense. Each game uses the various game mechanics as an integral part of the puzzles. Obviously those will be different from game to game. What reasonable complaint is there to be made there?

    I was actually excited that the dungeons in TOTK (especially the gerudo dungeon) felt more like the dungeons in A Link To The Past. But that doesn’t mean I’d be interested in just redoing old ideas for the new games. I want them to keep trying new things, pushing boundaries, and annoying the vocal Internet gaming police.

  • The world is open. The actual plot of the gameplay isn’t really open. It’s probably more accurate to call it branching in that there are multiple paths to reach the end. Some branches are critical. Some branches are just for fun. Some branches give you tools either in game or in the form of practice to help you with later stages of the game. Some branches bring you back to the main story. Some branches seem like dead ends. And all of the Zelda games I’ve played have been more or less like this to varying degrees. Yes, even the older games. Obviously the guy in this video never played the older games without a walkthrough guide close at hand. The old game gave you clues, but rarely explicitly forced you down a linear path. There were always some things you had to do before other things, but there was never anything stopping you from just wandering around fighting baddies and playing like the world was open. I spent so much time wandering around the world of many of the games just talking to people to figure out a puzzle or clue I’d missed. I wouldn’t call that linear or open world, it’s neither and both. And I think Zelda games have generally balanced that pretty well.

    All these videos seem to just be creating controversy to get views.

  • Function. In this case it’s not just a matter of definitions because the windows options do not offer the same utility and convenience I’ve come to expect from a package manager for the last decade or more. It’s a bit like me asking for a chocolate chip cookie and someone handing me a handful of chocolate chips and a cup of flour and wondering why I look disappointed.

    I expect a package manager to handle all of my packages, be they system or third party. I also expect to be able to add repositories from developers for apps I need to be more up to date than the default system versions. This functions to also allow applications to be managed that aren’t in the default repositories at all. I expect to be able to handle all updates with a simple command and be able to schedule those updates for when it suites my convenience, not when the operating system developers see fit. Those are the things I mean when I call something a package manager.

  • I already use MusicBrainz data to properly name a file away my digital music collection. I contribute release info and revisions whenever I can to further that same goal. Plex uses MusicBrainz data to help me search, filter, and play through a music library that is honestly bigger than I could ever fully listen to. It just makes sense that I be able to integrate and leverage my listening data so that I can better find the tracks and releases I’ve “lost” in my own collection and find new music. It’s even more of a bonus that all that data is open, so I feel more like I’m actually contributing something to society (even if it’s as trivial as music data and listening habits) instead of just giving it away to a private company to sell or keep secret as they see fit.

  • None of what you’ve just said here is true. They don’t work like house keys. Your system and my system are VERY different because I’m not making copies of my private keys anywhere. They never leave the safe place I created them. I only ever transfer the public keys. I could post my public keys here and there would be no security compromise for me. You came here asking for help. I tried to help you. I’m sorry it wasn’t what you wanted to hear. Your attitude sucks.