Evilsandwichman [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2021


  • Or when the oppressed people take back their land and are somehow portrayed as bad for not wanting to work with their colonizers.

    I feel like this could actually be made to work in this exact method no no no wait hear me out. Treat it as satire and have America (for example) be colonised, and one of the colonizers is the main character. They have to struggle against the American population for their ‘right to exist’ and many of Israel’s justifications are used; the villains? Americans who are more or less actually justified in trying to protect themselves and their homes but they’re portrayed as villains. It’s so ludicrous that (hopefully) the audience can put themselves in the shoes of the ‘villains’ and extrapolate from there. The portrayal of Americans should also be as mean-spirited as portrayals of non-white foreigners often is to send the point across and hopefully aggravate people into acquiring empathy.

  • Dungeon keeper but with immortal redneck play as a complementary aspect; there are DK clones where you can possess monsters, but they lack what immortal redneck has to offer gameplay-wise.

    Also a game similar to void bastards but with multiplayer, more monsters, less crafting and more guns, and better/more varied environments, and no time limits. Also immortal redneck with multiplayer. Also ziggurat with multiplayer. Also hands of fate with multiplayer.

    Actually forget game, I wish there was a program that could force any game to be multiplayer; or a dev team you could hire that would do that.

  • So here’s a crazy idea:

    Why not give them a piece of land between the Russian held territories of Ukraine, and the rest of Ukraine?

    As I understand it, the settlers who went about committing the Nakba apparently believed they were superior because they were European and were colonizing whom they believed to be savage natives (apparently they also had really offensive views about Arab Jews); Ukrainians also view themselves as having inherited Western European culture and yet revere Nazism openly (whereas the rest of Western Europe has abandoned the branding without abandoning the mentality); What I’m thinking here is put Israelis face to face with the Western European culture they revere so much and meanwhile, force the Nazi-sympathetic among the Ukrainians to live side by side with Jewish people and force them to give up their antisemitis- okay that’s not going to work.

    Yeah give them land in the Baltic states. Or heck give them Florida (I certainly won’t miss it).

  • Yeah but the West Bank is the two state solution; the problem with a two state solution is that Israel absolutely won’t respect it and will just go ahead and build illegal settlements UNLESS a powerful third force militarily guards the rights of the second state, and good luck getting our government to go along with that.

    Also I found out from watching Hasan’s videos that the illegal settlers are about 700,000 people, and they’re armed as well; you are NOT getting those people to leave peacefully. Apparently those settlers are also the genuine hard-coded fascists; the blood and soil types, replete with mythical explanations and openly saying the Arabs should be treated as second class citizens and be grateful for it (which makes me concerned about what they say off camera), believing that strength is justice and apparently being the sort to hate holocaust survivors because they see them as weak.

    There’s no realistic way to have a two state solution without a military force ensuring peace and no breaches of territory or rights, and even a one state solution does not guarantee equal rights to all, merely gaining the second class citizenship afforded to Arab Israelis who will probably see a further reduction in rights to compensate.

    Actually now that I’ve typed all this up, I don’t see a peaceful resolution to this. The Israeli government needs to be replaced with a better one, it’s the central problem to any solution. Also if their democracy works the way I understand it, it sucks anyway; apparently you don’t vote for the prime minister or the president, you vote for the Knesset and they elect a president and prime minister.

  • “You libs don’t understand; we’ve oppressed them as hard as we can oppress any living creature and it hasn’t worked, what else are we supposed to do if not outright genocide?”

    Seriously, going back to life as it was before the Hamas attack is just choosing bad over worse; the ‘international’ (Western) community needs to demand human rights and make it clear that people are going to be getting tried for war crimes on both sides (while respecting right of resistance).

  • name five questions about the timeline of relations between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets.


    Question number 1: In what year did the Klingons enter into a peace with the federation?

    Question number 2: In what year did the Klingons enter into conflict once again with the federation?

    Question number 3: Why did the Klingons start the conflict again and under whose leadership?

    Question number 4: Did the Klingons dispute the ownership of any of planets with the federation, and if so, which?

    Question number 5: What role did Picard play in his diplomatic relations with the Klingons?

    I’ve no idea why you wanted me to name five questions but here you go (also I was joking in my previous post; I hope you’re not actually taking it seriously)