• 11 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • People keep saying this but Rust is not only about memory safety. It’s not C with memory safety sprinkled on top. Compare with C and C++ it has better tooling and dependency management, it’s easier to create modules and organize your code, it’s easier to write tests and it has loads of nice, modern language features like algebraic types and typeclasses. Because of all this Rust is growing fast and a lot of people like it. Writing things in Rust is a bet that more people will get behind them and you will be able to add more features faster to them than to existing projects in C. The idea is not to simply do the same but in Rust. It is to have a cleaner, easier to approach codebase that will allow to grow faster in the future.

  • Asking questions was obviously a joke.

    As for the rest I don’t know what would it take to make sure the driver is paying attention. Distracted driving is the most common cause of accidents so clearly even in normal cars we can’t be sure drivers are paying attention. I think we can agree cruise control is generally good but I have no idea what happens once the car has line following. Is it the same? You focus on the road more? Or do you stop paying attention completely? I think it’s a questions to scientists really. Someone has to test it rigorously before it’s actually added to the cars. My feeling is that once you don’t have to drive by yourself (as in turn and brake) you eventually stop paying attention, so yeah, either the car drives itself 100% or you drive.

  • It’s pretty much a clone of Adobe XD but works in the browser. Adobe XD only has Windows and Mac clients and I think it’s tied to all the Adobe Cloud bullshit. Feature wise I think they are pretty much the same, didn’t dive deep enough to find differences, but Figma started getting traction and Adobe got scared. Now since Adobe can’t buy it and Figma is getting a round billion to improve their tool it looks like Adobe is in a good position to loose this market.

  • This is so sad. In Spain the government takes care of the central internet infrastructure and fiber is now available pretty much everywhere. You want to start an ISP? Just buy access to the central network and build the last mile. Every small town has it’s on ISP or two. You want fiber? Some guy will show up tomorrow and lay down a cable to your house. $20-$30 a month without any termination fees. Last time I had to connected internet in new apartment it took literally couple hours.

    USA should do the same but of course red states would block it and lobbyists for the corporations would fight it on every step. So instead they are giving free money to the telcos making sure the prices will stay high and no investment will be done.

  • Reckless driving is not the same as bad quality driving. For example I knew a guy once who said that he never knew who has to yield at a intersection so would always stop and let the other guy go. Was he a good driver? No. Was his behavior going to kill someone? Also no. A driver that knows he has the right of way and drives through a roundabout at 100km/h maybe a better driver but has higher chance of killing someone.

    As to TV shows and automotive press I think they invested or at least are actively promoting the idea that driving fast is ‘sexy’. It’s really hard to watch Top Gear and not to get the idea that what they are selling is the idea that driving a Ferrari at 200km/h is exciting. It would one thing it they showed it strictly in the context of a racetrack and professional competition but they are constantly mixing it with every day driving. The are saying that all driving can be exiting. Why we don’t do this with other sports? Downhill cycling is existing but you don’t see a lot of people jumping down the stairs on their way to work. Why with other sports we clearly separate the sport activity and everyday version of it but with driving the idea is that public roads are extensions of race tracks and a good driver can have fun on both? I blame the shows romanticizing fast cars as something desirable by everyone and driving as a skill every real man should master. The effects we see on the roads every day.