
I’m here for a meme time, up votes to the left thanks

  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It’s not like all chrome is as sexy sleek as V or Rebecca.

    There’s one lore pickup that sticks with me. It’s the “top employers” in Night City. The people who are employed by these 5 comprise the middle class.


    Arasaka offers the lowest contractual obligation to work for at 20 years.

    Biotechnica offers six vacation days a year (current Americans average 11 PTO days at 40 hours a week)

    But the above is small potatoes when you read Nightcorp: ONLY(!) 80 hour workweek. For family focused people!

    Not being pedantic but also as you walk around look at the lifestyles of the charachters. River and Judy are successful legally employed people, and look at their home situation. Their houses and how much chrome they afford. Their weapons comprise of the very basics. How much tech do they have that wasn’t illegally obtained or had their job pay it off? Judy works mosly with chrome as far as BDs go. River is ex-NCPD, and he only affords prosthetic arms that are reminiscent of Gorilla Arms but it doesn’t have skin or look great - they’re functional. In addition to a prosthetic eye that doesn’t even try to be humanlike, like V’s Kiroshi Optics.

    The average citizen puts in an assload of work for their chrome and its hard to sustain yourself. I know they respawn but how many times do you just see Maelstrom on a sidewalk? How many out-and-about Valentinos? Most people can’t afford the nice chrome, or healthcare (as shown by David’s mom) and get by on their bills through theft or violence. Maelstrom chrome is a hack job. Rebecca funded all her work through being part of a successful criminal enterprise. Maine being the reason they even have the connection and payments with Faraday. Compare the Edgerunners chrome to the average Tyger Claw, and it’s easier to see that they are the ideal gang, not the average.

  • It all looks great. That’s kinda the expectation tbh. It does look good, but all games “look good” at this stage. This gives rise to the other question about can it look good and be stable, even on lower end hardware (ps4/x1 and mid/low pcs) for release.

    But a video is a video. I realize it’s so early and am not knocking it for lacking gameplay footage, just that generating a video in-engine is not representative of gameplay, or gameplay elements.

  • You can generate anything in-engine, it’s not representative of gameplay. Everyone does it and it’s equally shitty. It looks like a minute and a half of cutscenes and, other than character reveals it looks like a normal release. It just looks like smoothed out gta5, so like…gta5 on pc. The achievement wouldn’t be the graphics, it would be “can it maintain the graphics steadily and not drop frames”

    Timeline is irrelevant, agreed. it will come out when it comes out.

  • To reset a password for work. Apparently eHub doesnt work on Firefox, it has to be edge or chrome. Called the Help Center and they asked if I was using chrome and I said no Firefox. “You don’t uh…have anything like chrome on your phone?” “no, I might be able to access a work computer with chrome but I’m not putting a chromium browser on my device” (it’s there because android, but all its permissions are cut off)

    She just had to sit on hold while I logged on on a work computer to reset everything where if they just fucking made a webpage to work on Firefox we could have not had the conversation in the first place.