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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Demonstrably effective

    Where’s the logic in looking at something successful and picking a singular thing to be responsible? What seems more likely is you are looking for an idea you are attached to that exists adjacent to something successful. It’s like a Mormon looking for successful Mormon CEOs to then claim the company’s success is due to the Mormon work ethic. It’s like how in Whiplash the Charlie Parker story is venerated and seen as explanatory by the characters.

  • If it wasn’t the wordcraft that turned you off Codenames then I think Decrypto is a much better execution. The opposing team is also trying to make guesses using your information, which makes it more of a spy game, and there is less RNG involved in being dealt good words.

    Other than that I enjoy Coup and Citadels, basically any Mafia style game, as well as games where everyone is dealt a similar hand like Libertalia and Oriflame.

  • I don’t really want to do everything in one language but if I did have to pick it would probably be Julia. It’s slightly simpler than Python, and significantly faster without relying on APIs written in C. And has some really great features like broadcasting, multiple dispatch, and a good type system. The only place I feel like Python has it beat is quantity of libraries and support network, which both basically come from the same origin of just having more users. I’m hoping more data science types switch over in the next few years, since Julia is already great for most things mathematical. And I hope that momentum allows Julia to perhaps reach out to other domains.

  • I just use /

    I don’t think having a swap partition or file would be all that useful because I have plenty of memory. I’ve never had to reinstall Linux so I’m not sure why I would need a separate home. If I did bork my OS somehow I’m fairly confident I could repair it from a live distro. And even if I did end up having to save my home I could just copy the files I want to another drive if it really came to that.

  • Tales of Maj Eyal is a roguelike that is on the scale of an epic adventure rather than a single dungeon delve. It has some of the most unique class design I’ve seen in a game. It has great automation features that let you set trigger conditions for skills. The game has received persistent updates for over a decade now.

    Crystal Project is a relatively new JRPG that features some of the best exploration I’ve ever seen in a game. Also like ToME it has interesting class design. The end game bosses are fun, and actually make you think about your team design, they are generally not brute forceable.

    Both games are well received but have less than 10k reviews on Steam, where indie darlings such as Cuphead or Hades have over 100k.

  • AI has been used to refer to all kinds of dynamic programming in the history of computation. Algebraic solvers, edge detection, fuzzy decision systems, player programs for video games and tabletop games. So when you say AI is this or that you are being rather prescriptivist about it.

    The problem with AI and ML is more one of it being presented to the public by grifters as a magical one stop solution to almost any problem. What term was used hardly matters, it was the propaganda that carried the term. It would be like saying the name Nike is the reason for the shoe brand’s success and not it’s marketing.

    So discredit the grifters, and if you want to destroy the term then look to dilute it by using it to describe even more things. It was never really a useful term to begin with. I’ll leave you with this quote

    A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it’s not labelled AI anymore.

  • Disco Elysium lacks grinding and battles but is very much a roleplaying game with a compelling story and characters (including those in your head).

    Crosscode is an ARPG which will certainly scratch that itch for Zelda like dungeons. Combat is skillful, but easy enough that you don’t have to grind out the best gear and levels, though there is the option to grind a lot if you were to want that. The story is also really nice.

    Crystal Project is the best JRPG I’ve played in a gameplay sense but it will require you to level classes and consider abilities. The reason I’d recommend it is because combat isn’t really just bigger numbers, end game combat encounters especially are like puzzles where you need to use the right tools in the right order. Also I’d say half the game is about exploration, the game embraces sequence breaking and going your own way, and has fun though occasionally frustrating voxel platforming. If you want a JRPG that is more story focused then I think Mario RPG is great, and you don’t have many choices to make as there are only like 5 characters / classes, it also has some voxel platforming and comedy.