• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • What would be the point of this from a non fucked up standpoint?

    I think the bad and good reasons can be true at the same time. Plenty of others list the bad reasons. For the good reasons:

    • it is unlikely Hamas could evacuate its weaponry, rocket stockpiles and other supplies in 24 hours undetected
    • so some will be flushed out at which point they can be engaged
    • others will remain, so having the civilian population leave - even if not completely - it’s the best way to reduce collateral deaths and give Hamas as little time to prepare as possible
    • hostages area likely being held in the north, hence the time pressure to separate as many civilians as possible and isolate Hamas
    • the crisis would be less of a crisis of the Arab nations actually stepped up to help but none of them want anything to do with Gaza Palestinians…
    • finally (up to you if this is a good or bad reason) Israel may well intend to bulldoze every building in North Gaza to deny its use to Hamas and it’s obviously safer for the population to not be there when it happens. This may increase the chances of the UN / Egypt creating a viable refugee camp inside the Egyptian border which may well be Israel’s end game

  • Double_A Nerdy men playing a board game are intidimating? How do women even get anything in life done of they are this fragile? WTF? Do you also want separate women-only schools, and women-only companies?

    Rbmellor Tf are they in separate groups for? Don’t girls know how sexy they look playing cheers?

    System_glitch And the real reason is because women don’t do well against men. They get dominated except for a very small minority. So I orde for women to have more parity, they have women’s chess A biological man competing with them is, statistically, a huge advantage.

    Two others I recall have been since been removed


  • Had to contact support this week because (on top of an already infuriating week of marketing cloud bullcrap) an exit criteria in Journey Builder was firing when it shouldn’t. Basically amounted to a string comparison of A = B? But one was from Contact Data and the other from Journey Data. And you know what their response was? “Yeah… that won’t work, you have to do B = A”. I kid you not. What’s worse is that actually fixed it! What a joke of a platform. How shit do you have to be at coding to end up making a string comparison non-commutative? Like…I don’t even know how you’d screw up that badly accidentally. It’s a veritable kaleidoscope of shitty infuriating bugs.

  • While Christianity became unambiguously misogynistic, it’s doubted whether or not this sentiment actually reflects the historical Paul and the early churches he moved amongst. Faced with having to choose which of his writings are more genuine: the inclusive writings or heavily patriarchal writings, it really does seem his more radical opinions were watered down by the later church which caved in to the pressure of the existing misogyny.

    Paul regarded that men and women had equal access to Christ’s grace (Gal 3:28) within a discourse in which he explains the point of law is a temporary restraint to limit sin but ultimately it ought to fall away. He names and thanks dozens of women in helping to run and support the house church networks. He names “Junia” as the only names female apostle (Romans 16:7). Calls others “co workers” and “fellow servants” in the gospel.

    It all falls in line with the traditions that are least likely to have been invented given the prevailing sentiment : that women were the financial support of Christ’s ministry (Luke 8:3), the first portrayed as gathering others to Christ (John 4:27-30), the first witnesses of the resurrection, the first commissioned by Christ to the take the news to others etc

  • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.worldtoAtheist Memes@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    If Adam can curse the whole human race without their involvement, why can’t Christ save the whole human race in the same way? Paul almost says as much in Romans…

    18 Consequently, just as one sin (Adam’s) resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act (Jesus Christ’s) resulted in justification for all people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of [Adam] the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man [Jesus Christ] the many will be made righteous.