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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • Also, when you choose either of the update or restart/shutdown options, it actually tries to restart, (for me) always boots back into linux because that’s my default. When I’d eventually boot back into Windows, it just continues installing the update I’d long forgotten about.

    Pretty happy to be rid of that mess entirely now.

  • Are you using Wayland with KDE? For me the taskbar freezes if I’m on Wayland and hover over some windows so it shows the preview.

    If you’re also using Wayland, try turning off window previews (right-click taskbar->configure->Show small window previews).

    Also, as a workaround if this doesn’t fix it for you, you can execute plasmashell --replace and it’ll replace the existing frozen instances instead of starting new ones. If you use krunner (alt+space) it’ll stay in your recent commands as well, so you can easily run it again when it freezes again.

  • I have a magic trackpad 2 (maybe 3, not sure) and haven’t noticed any lagging issues. I mainly use it wired, but the times I did use it wirelessly I didn’t notice any lag either.

    Unfortunately I didn’t have gestures ootb, though that could be a KDE plasma thing, since they have touchpad gestures like two finger scroll and tap to click disabled by default as well.

    Setting up gestures using touchegg was easy enough though.

  • The other sections are different actions that appear in the context menu of the steam desktop icon, so that you can launch steam straight into big picture for example. If you just launch steam, just the [Desktop Entry] section will execute.

    While in my experience the answer you replied to works, to get the same behavior as what you got in the terminal, you should edit the exec line to something like steam --forcedesktopscaling=2 %u.

    If you use the separate actions, you should edit it there as well, but those won’t have any effect on just launching steam.