• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • Just try it and decide for yourself. Make the computer do the math. I’ve done tons of angle stuff with quaternions in code and what the fuck even is a quaternion. What even is a matrix or imaginary number. Computer doesn’t care that I don’t know and just does what I tell it to. Results may not be what I hoped for sometimes but I can usually figure out what I did wrong after seeing the differences in the result.

  • I wouldn’t say hated, but definitely possessing of many ui/UX choices that were about as well thought out as how windows had old/new control panel plus the new new settings app and yet everything was still counterintuitive. I merely gave it a chance repeatedly because I ran a computer business up until covid hit and needed basic familiarity, and people kept telling me it was better than everything else and really if you don’t game it mostly is for many workloads, but I still found things to be rather clunky especially system navigation on iOS. Not saying android is better or anything either because while it suits me more, there is so much infuriating dumb shit.

    Basically because of every other offering feeling like it’s ripping me off, Linux being free and having tons of customization beyond simply cosmetic and several people making different solutions to each problem most of the time and also free, coming back to anything else with any combination of hardware, software, and money entry barriers just feels like the worst value proposition possible. Maybe if I was born into wealth and a social media addict I would have been an apple fanboy.

  • It’s more convenient and I can’t afford a high end office chair for the desktop. The last few used ones got scooped up even in bad condition. I’ve tried the car bucket seat type and even have one from a workplace ‘boomer execs trying to be hip raffle event’, but car seats are generally uncomfortable to begin with.

    But yeah the deck is pretty excellent for anything it can maintain a stable frame rate with and I use it even when performance is a bit iffy. I tell anyone considering one that it handles like a wiiu gamepad with better button placements though.

  • I would if the particular hardware had no inherent or user caused issues and the price was reasonable compared to other purchase candidates, but it rarely is. It would also need to be Linux compatible too because the os has always been insufferable and praised by insufferable people that need something to feel superior about with zero justification.

    The PowerPC days were pretty crap though even though the hardware was visually pleasing. Nobody made PowerPC compatible software. This time I guess apple is paying fees to arm and at least has arm compatibility. x86 is irritating in its own right too. Man, tech has gone in all sorts of shitty directions.

  • Exactly the drivel they want you to believe. I’m sorry but even if 8gb of ram performs like 16gb on other computers, which is a load of hot shit, it shouldn’t cost more than 32gb on other computers. The markup on parts for basic specs config is utterly insane. I highly doubt the average apple used actually benefits from the top single thread performance, and all of humanity’s battery tech is still awful at it’s best both in capability and environmental impact, not to mention capability per dollar.

    I have used apple hardware and software from the beige plastic days until the first laptops, and tried out Mac os and ios every major update, and found it to be entirely unenjoyable even when ignoring what is essentially DRM for hardware components on the phones forcing you to pay for repairs when it’s an easy diy otherwise.

    Really the apple elitism is bizarre beyond belief. You get to be in the cool dude club for getting scammed into paying 3-5 times the cost of each individual component you can choose higher version of in there config before buying. It’s like the million dollar gold bar app on early app store, except apple wants to be the only one making that kind of easy money off of their users.

  • My friendly neighborhood. It’s pretty excellent. Visuals are consistent and have a pleasant aesthetic and I never found the controls to cause problems. I was kinda hoping weapon flip could be a parry but it seems to be just for the hell of it. Good map mechanics for tracking completion of areas. Nothing majorly scary for me at least but the occasional startle.

    Anyone wanting to do the achievements I recommend doing the fight the boss normally one before the pacifist one as I think it’s easier. Also if you plan on doing a NG+ run, doing the nope ending (nope on home after encountering pearl) will erase the ng+ file so start a new save for that. I haven’t finished them all but if I didn’t lose my ng+ save this way I probably would have been able to get them all in one sitting.

  • Some levels are weirdly difficult though. The last special (as far as I know because I couldn’t do it) is totally unreasonable. I got stuck at two points, one using any character or yoshi, and a different one using nabbit due to his different damage mechanics.

    I agree with no exits being crazy, but I did have some plain sight yet invisible moments trying to gety area 100% marks.