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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • The only issue with your second point is that it can eventually become a quagmire when you do need to upgrade it.

    I work for a very old company who held to that philosophy for many years. And while any individual component could be looked at and seen as running fine, when they did finally decide it was time to upgrade they were faced with needing to upgrade everything simultaneously.

    All of the tech was too old, so no current tech had the sort of backwards compatible bridge that helps you move forward. It’s like figuring out how to get your telegram system to also work on your WiFi network, nobody makes any interfaces for that.

    Instead of slowly and gradually replacing components over time, they’re faced with a single major overhaul that’s put the entire company at risk because they have to completely shut down for over a month.

  • Until TV is setup the same way Spotify/YouTube music/apple music is where you just pick one you like and listen to the same music the other platforms have, they’ll continue to have pirating problems.

    I currently pay more per month for the various components needed for highly effective pirating than I would for cable and that’s purely because it offers a better experience. I can’t buy a plex-like experience anywhere for any price legally.

    Fix that and I’ll go legit just like I did for music.

  • I think it’s totally possible to design a system where you can alter course, without it turning into ‘respec mid boss battle meta’. I disagree with OPs strategy, but I did wish I had an easier time switching things up after 50+ levels. I felt completely stifled and unable to experiment with any new gear drops because that would mean a huge investment just to see if I liked something else better. For me, that means I’ll probably eventually lose interest. Finding out I don’t like a spec means I’ll just leave and go to something else.

  • A big hurdle of AI is the fact that they really can’t ‘learn’, at least not like humans can, where we filter out bad data or go back and correct previous assumptions (not that we do this perfectly). Seems like anyone who’s able to truly figure out how to teach AI without needing super-clean data sets will have basically unlocked something pretty close to the singularity. Which makes me assume that we’re honestly no where close to figuring that out and that sample collapse is much more likely (with possibly the internet as a whole being effectively ruined, same as voice calls have been effectively ruined by rampant spam).

  • My understanding from the beehaw defed is that more surgical moderation tools just don’t exist right now (and likely won’t for awhile unless the two Lemmy devs get some major help). Admins only really have a singular nuclear option to deal with other instances that aren’t able to tackle the bot problem.

    Personally I don’t see defederating as a bad thing. People and instances are working through who they want to be in their social network. The well managed servers will eventually rise to the top with the bot infested and draconian ones eventually falling into irrelevance.

    As a user this will result in some growing pains since Lemmy currently doesn’t offer a way to migrate your account. Personally I already have 3 Lemmy accounts. A good app front end that minimizes the friction from account switching would greatly help these growing pains.

  • There was this neat, but totally unnecessary ‘water cooled’ mattress cover thing I stumbled on. It had a series of tubes they ran water through to keep your bed cool at night. Nifty little product. They also had an app and built in sensors for that sleep tracking stuff. Also neat and a nice value add.

    Except that the app required a subscription and you could only adjust the temperature through the app. Oh and the subscription was $250/year. Talk about bullshit. You know they’re already selling all the sleep tracking data and then they want you to rent the product forever on top of that??

  • The goal should be to find a way to destroy the subreddit without getting removed as mods. Which should focus on killing user engagement through draconian mod rules. Like an automod that bans everyone that comments.

    People laugh at the John Oliver thing for a few days, but the joke will get stale, that’s when they need to stick to their guns and keep running it into the ground. I’d also suggest limiting posts to once an hour or something like that. Mods need to focus on making Reddit boring.