I’m a scalie game developer!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Here’s a fun thing you can do: just stop thinking about stats and make a character you’d like to bang, then just ooga booga it.

    Baldur’s Gate 3 may be very daunting at first, even with its genius tooltip system, so I just went straight into it with a Dragonborn barbarian with no real thought put into it other than “he’s hot and totes my new fursona”. You’d be surprised at how far you get and how much you pick up naturally over the next 80 hours of gameplay.

    That being said, it’s still not for everyone, as much as it tries to be, and if even Overwatch is too complex for you already, it might just be that the evolving game design in the industry is becoming more misaligned with your tastes, and that gamers are becoming more and more serious about the video games they play.

  • My guy, I’m supportive of your idea and search for a keyboard with those extra keys. It’s just… you’ve been and are still being super defensive about it, and definitely blowing it way out of proportion.

    Yes, I agree, you shouldn’t have to learn to touch type perfectly to get into split keyboards. No, the people telling you to chill out a bit aren’t the same people that are telling you to learn how to touch type.

    You’re being critical of a community that is mostly supportive, just because of a minority of elitists.

    As you can see, a lot of us disagree with your actions so far, yet we’re still being nice about it. Again, the people telling you to chillax are still supportive of your search for your split keyboard.

    Stop replying to every comment that even so slightly misaligns with your own opinion of the community. Stop painting proper feedback as villainous enablers of the elitist few.

    Just chillax, take what you want from the comments, thank the supportive ones, and move on.

  • I played a Barbarian with the bear aspect (and before that, the gear that granted you double carry capacity), and I still found myself encumbered since I kept looting all the heavy stuff I could sell.

    Even after clearing out all the loot, I was still left with a ton of scrolls, potions, poisons, etc. that I was “saving up” for a potentially difficult encounter, all taking up 75% of my carry capacity.

    It’s certainly a way to discourage hoarding and encourage you to use those consumables, especially since BG3 has an end, but I wish there’s a better method for it.

  • Generally, they look at their own boards and keep their next piece queue in their periphery vision; the distinct colours of each piece is actually written into modern Tetris guidelines. Advanced players like these also glance at their opponent’s board to determine whether to delay their attacks, both offensively and defensively.

    I’d like to plug my favourite Tetris match of all time: Salty Cup S2 - Doremy vs Wumbo

    For context, Wumbo always uses the center 4-wide to win many tournaments, and while it was a very effective strategy, it was also extremely cheesy and boring to both watch and play against; he also maintained a “Tetris god” persona where he only ever uploads his wins to his Youtube channel. Doremy, on the other hand, was getting great attention for his flashy and fun Tetris plays, never shying away from uploading videos from his losses. Doremy also caught Wumbo editing out his losses from his Twitch VODs. All this culminated in a rivalry, and in this matchup, it was the underdog versus the overpowered villain. So while this Tetris match isn’t as flashy and fast as the more recent ones, it is definitely one of the most memorable.