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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Even though it was developed by a different team, they did capture the general charm IMO. The story and characters aren’t terrible, some of it I really loved. Like Inquisition and Anthem, it was primarily let down by a lot of management and studio culture issues which have been made very public.

    In my view, Dreadwolf is their opportunity to show if they’ve managed to overcome those callenges or has sucumbed to them forever. I am made hopeful by what appears to have been a well-scoped and managed project in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

  • Voyager’s Retrospect.

    That was a really hard episode to watch in the modern day. It was heart wrenching seeing how the moment it became possible that Seven was wrong about being assaulted, everyone turned on her in a truly vile way :(

    It’s one of those episodes where the point is incredibly forced (e.g. they were suspected of taking borg material from her, scan for it maybe?) and the message being “Men can be falsely accused and have their lives ruined” comes across VERY badly in a post #MeToo world when that industry is largely responsible for the kind of abuse it covers.

  • Absolutely. Personal identity is a journey and you never know if you’re at your final destination.

    It’s so sad how it’s used as a tool by transphobes. Arguably worse, is that creates an environment where people are scared to acknowledge it in fear of being invalidated.

    The best thing we can do is continue to build positivity and support for people, wherever their journey takes them.

  • There’s also the simple social factor which gets underestimated. I used to get worked up at work when people would ask questions about stuff I had written documentation about, until I understood that some folk just want that little social connection. They want a person to communicate something to them, whether they’re concsiously aware of it or not.

    It’s also fairly common for people to just not be that good at searching for things. You have to word things in specific ways and learn what kind of sources to avoid and ones to trust. So asking people who do can be a huge timesaver.