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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I noticed immediately that Lemmy was far less vitriolic than reddit was, but that seems to be changing quickly.

    Some of my comments are entirely satire. Some are formal, but a lot of them are my not-so-hard takes or opinions on general bullshit. One of the first comments I made on lemmy a few months ago was still how I feel about social media. Once the “/s” is necessary to distinguish jokes from reality in a community, hate has already won.

    While a lot of my comments are generally well received, I’ve been finding that my purely satirical comments have been being disliked at increasingly larger rates, seemingly because users aren’t sure if I’m joking or not. Maybe it’s the audience changing or maybe my satire isn’t landing, but that leads me to something worse.

    What I find is a more dismal indicator is that my inoculous opinions aren’t being refuted, I’m just being called stupid for having them. I don’t think I’ve outright insulted someone, or called someone stupid since I was an 11 year old on AIM, but that is what seems to be becoming the norm on lemmy.

    Now I’m not saying i can’t take the bullshit. Ill embrace it when given, but if this place was supposed to replace reddit, or be a more free and accepting group or communities, it’s failing. Newcomers aren’t going to stay here long if we can’t get along, and communities aren’t going to thrive with toxic echo chamber tendencies.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to have tongue in cheek banter, too bad. I’ll be watching Latex Angel and hotkinkyjo videos. HKJ can fit entire human leg in her torso.

    Edit: I also seem to have a follower.(?) I find it odd that most of my comments have a single downvote. Maybe I’m wrong, but if I’m not, downvote away stranger. At least I know you care about me.

  • I had a specific problem today that googling didn’t help (it was a google account problem, go figure). I added reddit to the search terms and clicked into reddit for the first time in months. All I can say is that their UI is purposely horrible. Like, so fucking bad.

    I would rather join tiktok than use reddit at this point. That should sound like sarcasm, or hyperbole, but it isn’t. Lemmy is feeling like the last social media network I’ll join, and as soon as lemmy gets to the toxicity levels of reddit, which no offense but I feel will be soon, I’m probably going to be the weird person that just uses their phone to call their family, utility companies, and watch hardcore anal fisting, footing, and prolapsing videos.

  • IDontHavePantsOn@lemm.eetoFuck Cars@lemmy.ml... and you feel nothing.
    7 months ago

    I love taking the wind out of Elon’s sails because he is just a horrible and cringe person to an extreme degree, but I personally like the cybertruck aesthetically. It definitely different from anything we have seen in a truck, and I’m all for it. It’s also basically a concept car that is somehow actually making it to market, and if it motivates the bigger auto makers to take more chances with their designs and ideas, I think it’s great.

    That said, its so ludicrously expensive, and so impractical/not advisable for all the reasons I would personally use a truck, because it’s basically an SUV with a bed. It’s like a Chevy Avalanche/Honda Ridgeline mashup. This thing is the ultimate pavement princess. If there’s one thing I wouldn’t be an early adopter for, it’s something thats whole purpose is to get beat the fuck up.

  • A boy is throwing rocks into a lake. With each splash he worries that someone will tell him to stop. He starts with pebbles but after each toss and satisfying bloop, he feels a bit better and starts throwing larger and larger rocks.

    As he picks up a large stone of 5lbs, he notices a family making their way to the beach. He drops the stone in a panic directly onto his foot and screeches in pain. The father of the family runs to the boys side. Without asking, he picks up the boy and carries him to a nearby boulder, sits him down and inspects the boys bleeding wound.

    “What were you doing?” The father asked.

    “I was seeing how far I could make it” replied the boy.

    You’re not the evil you think you are. It’s late but I’ll get back to you in the morning. PM me in the mean time.

  • If you found out she has gestational diabetes from anyone else but her, and that she’s having a hard time, let it be. If she told you herself in an honest moment of comfort, tell her “I’m so sorry. That sucks.” And let her vent. The last thing she wants is for anyone to make a big deal about it, solve her problems, or choose her diet.

    Bring in donuts again. Seriously. She’s an adult and can choose to eat them.

    Bring in a more health conscious option. Once again, she can choose to eat it or not.

    You’re trying to find an option when most likely you shouldn’t know about her personal health issues in the first place. Unless you have a very close relationship that you aren’t letting us know about, you shouldn’t be trying to figure out something to give her to make her feel better. She could very easily feel ostracized for her pregnancy in the first place. Employers arent super cool with pregnancies, let alone pregnancies that are in any magnitude more difficult.

    What makes will make her feel better is a coworker that respects her space and private health matters. Don’t treat her as special. Treat her as human.