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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • The game doesn’t go on sale very often because it’s very fairly priced at $35 and I’ve gotten each DLC the day of release so idk how they do bundles. It may be a long wait if you’re hoping for a deep sale as I’ve never seen it drop more than 25% below retail price.

    You get a lot of the core experience from the base game+mods. So don’t feel like you need to get DLC to start because there’s a learning curve on the game anyway. The community endearingly calls your first 1000 hours in the game “the tutorial.”

  • This was always my main issue back when I played Destiny 1. Pub groups take a lot of the fun out strikes and nightfalls. I’d imagine most people you’re queueing with are just farming things from stuff they’ve already run a bunch of times which is why they’re rushing through.

    I never ended up finding a casuals clan that I meshed well with, but like other folks have said I think your best bet is going to be finding a good clan rather than any one single person. Your mileage will probably vary for this though, especially since it sounds like you’re looking for a 3rd who’s also new to the game. Including your general ages, time zone, and which platform you play on will also help you get better results.

    I swore off Bungie games in general after they started the trend of sunsetting already paid DLC content in the first game, but I hope you find someone and have fun! Good luck!

  • The commenter is being a jerk, but you’re misinterpreting the point they’re trying to make. Twitch has a had a lot of issues with rules enforcement since the introduction of the ‘Just Chatting’ section when it comes to sexual content. What’s considered acceptable has only ever been nebulously defined in the TOS really.

    Because of this a lot of disproportionate bans have happened on women simply for existing, largely affecting smaller streamers because large ones generally just get a slap on the wrist. On the other side of the spectrum the rules have also allowed for a lot of loopholes being taken advantage of, like for example the hottub craze. The other commenter is not exaggerating when they are saying that people stream themselves pole dancing and doing strip teases.

    Whether you agree or disagree on the level of sexualization that should be allowed on the platform, what’s considered acceptable use definitely needs to be more rigidly defined for the benefit of everyone.

  • It’s popularity was slowly waning and companies have been slowly pulling back on the marketing at the expo for almost a decade. Over the pandemic period the largest gaming names (Nintendo, Sony, etc) pulled out entirely and created their own marketing events of a similar style that were cheaper and easier to maintain while still accomplishing the same thing. E3 was left as a bunch of disjointed marketing events held around the same time. Geoff Kneighlys events ended up filling in the void it left over this period and E3 just never recovered.

  • Again, I feel like a lot of people over simplify and just go, "My gas is X, the train ticket is Y. X

    I don’t think it is an oversimplification honestly. It might work out as a favorable arrangement if we’re only talking about only moving around within a larger city with robust infrastructure, but the scenario of the post with a 4 hour drive speaks to the fact that this isn’t the case.

    For driving a fair distance your expenses will be gas, tolls, and parking generally. A long-range train ticket will likely cost more than all those combined and then on top of that you’ll still likely have to pay for extended parking and/or other transportation on one side of the trip if you don’t have someone you can rely on.

    I don’t by any means live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest train station to me is still over a two and a half hour drive. I don’t enjoy it, but the infrastructure just isn’t there to make this a feasible option for many people.

  • The newer games still have the same general story elements and themes that were characteristic of the entries you’re used to, but the combat is more like an action RPG. The sky pirate one is FF12(my personal favorite one) and Lightnings entries are FF13. Since 14 is an MMO you’ve really only missed two main-series games.

    I’m waiting on the latest entry, FF16, to be released on PC so I’m no authority, but from streams I’ve watched the combat is pretty similar looking to the Devil May Cry series.

  • On top of the other comments, I’d also like to point out that it’s a little unfair to blame a brand new fediverse user for not understanding how it works.

    I know I certainly didn’t understand how it worked with my first account, but you learn over time by using and interacting. You need to make an account first though to get to that point. Lemmy.world is a safe option for a new user who probably doesn’t understand the specifics of the decision of where to make an account.

  • Personally I just block the entire community if all posts are made up of Reddit mirrors. If that’s all the posts that are there, that’s probably all there ever will be. It just clutters up my feed otherwise. There are a handful of lower post volume communities that I have mild interest in that I’ve let slide but it seems to have worked well so far.

    All the options are pretty much all or nothing at this point. You can block the community the bot is posting to or disable bot posts being visible in entirety in your settings.

  • Yeah. For fun I checked from another account and they edited out a lot of their inflammatory remarks that were downvotes to make themselves appear more reasonable too.

    I get enough of this in my daily life and don’t need to be lectured by a child who thinks that all great human accomplishments happened because someone paid attention really hard for 6 hours straight.