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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Again, it’s a snowball effect.

    Students and amateurs want to learn how to do something. Their choices are either - (sometimes) get an EDU address, fill out a form, apply for a discount or free version, see the watermark or lose a ton of functionality, and only see tutorials via classes or other a-la-carte method (how many folks are doing Houdini lessons online out there - probably not many if I had to guess considering Houdini’s price), or start paying $20/month for a program that they someday hope will allow them to earn money - knowing that if they stop paying, they lose access to files… OR…

    They can download a program for free, that anyone can add stuff to, with thousands of really well done tutorials online on free places like YouTube, that studios will love because there’s no licensing fee or if there is - it’s only when they are really profitable or whatever.

    The more that people use it, the more there are people doing tutorials, expanding functionality, etc.

    Blender used to be garbage in like 2010, but now - you’d be an idiot not to grab a copy and teach yourself if you used to regular in apps like 3DS Max, Maya, or other premium closed application now requiring a bunch of DRM installers, license tiers, and subscriptions…

    Same goes for Adobe’s stuff. I imagine there are more and more people sick of Creative Cloud’s garbage and are ready to find and learn and contribute to FOSS services… All that needs to happen is critical stupid event by bigwig, and suddenly a mass exodus begins.

  • …which is why Godot now is quickly slipping into the niche that Unity largely used to be for.

    And since Godot is FOSS, there is no going back for Unity once Indie game devs have shifted, since - like with Blender being free to use - it destroys the competition by becoming the defacto king when it comes to things like video tutorials on places like YouTube.

    Popular tutorial channels on YouTube know their viewer audience is less likely to be large enough to be profitable via ad revenue, premium subscriptions, etc. if they are limited niche of people only willing to pay thousands for a license to an application they don’t yet have any professional reason to pay for.

    Being open source in any way also usually then leads to a snowball effect of an application gaining popularity and then people extending its functionality.

    This is also what I think will soon happen to Plex with Jellyfin since the Plex bigwigs have decided they want to be Netflix more than people’s personal media server frontend.

    All it will take is one big mistake and the ground will fall beneath their feet just like with Unity.

    All fascinating and frustrating to watch as I used to work with Unity a ton since its early days.

  • Short answer :


    Long answer :

    Their wealth affects them in many indirect ways that reinforces abject ignorance.

    Those who orbit billionaires are incredibly likely to tell them what they want to hear to a degree that said billionaires probably encounter very few people who ever will correct them or offer meaningful critique for fear of being taken out of that orbit or replaced by someone else trying to get to the position that they have achieved which gives them influence and runoff power / wealth from said billionaire.

    It is a cycle which in a self-fulfilling way repeats and reinforces into itself.

    They are stupid because they do not learn - as no one ever dares correct them.

  • Job offers?! HA.

    You’re thinking too small. This has a fucking Adam McKay / Social Network Fincher movie adaptation written all over it.

    If Zhong has not already been contacted by a hundred different ghost writers or publishers offering to write a book + movie / mini-series adaptation of his story, I’d be surprised.

    This shit is just a more modern Catch Me If You Can / Wolf of Wall Street type situation - but with an arguably more sympathetic character - who gave his friends 10s of thousands of dollars to go on shopping sprees.

    The amount of money he’ll make just from the royalties paid out for an adaptation of this would be enough to at least make back some significant portion of the money he stole.

    Same as that piece of shit still doing speaking engagements from The Wolf of Wall Street.

    People eat that shit up.

  • I like my LG OLED CX. Does every type of visual format (DolbyVision, HDR, etc.), has “VRR” (variable refresh rate) to allow syncing with game console frame rates / GPU screen refresh rate.

    If I had to choose something else from what I have now (which is 2+ years old now), I’d probably go do as much research as I can and visit sites with detailed comparisons of every major TV model like RTings.com and watch any video reviews I could of my TV of choice if available by this guy.

  • Ever since the pandemic, curbside pickup has been the norm at our house for groceries.

    We use Kroger, not Walmart, but I had a recent experience relevant to share.

    I was out running an errand and my spouse asked me to go grab a couple items from Kroger since it was nearby.

    I hadn’t been inside the store in like a year, so I was surprised to see gates at the door that opened and closed upon approach and walking away.

    Also, while shopping, at some point suddenly the wheels on the cart locked up, causing me to bang the ever loving shit out of my shins on the cart frame. That’s when I got to learn about the new “anti-theft” wheel lock tech being used on all carts now.

    I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I wanted to flip the goddamn cart over and kick the absolute shit out of it… but I knew that wouldn’t help.

    …But if I read a story about someone going and drilling holes in every single one of those cart wheels, or setting fire to them all, or breaking the gates, I would laugh.

    I imagine as soon as someone gets something worse than bruised shins and brings a lawsuit against these stupid companies, we will see these stupid things go away… but until then, I’m not fucking stepping foot inside any store that has that bullshit.