Web developer, gamer, reader, and a true ligma male

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Ik dacht ook: Als Nederland de EU uit gaat, dan blijf ik in de EU…

    Ben benieuwd of (Nederlandse) multinationals zoals Philips, ASML e.d. überhaupt nog wel in Nederland blijven als Nexit plaatsvind.

    Terwijl ik zelf geen onderzoek heb gedaan naar Nexit ofzo, vermoed ik dat vrijwel alle sectoren / industrieën in Nederland op z’n eigen manier iets te maken heeft met de EU en als Nexit plaatsvind, zal het als een kaartenhuis uit elkaar vallen. Ben benieuwd wat de boeren ervan vinden als zij geen 20 - 30 miljard euro meer van de EU ontvangen bijvoorbeeld…

  • JVT038@feddit.nltotheNetherlands@feddit.nlWat een kloteverkiezingsuitslag!
    8 months ago

    Ik ben eigenlijk voornamelijk echt bang voor een Nexit.

    Klimaatbeleid is nog niet het belangrijkst; dat komt met een nieuw kabinet vanzelf wel weer terug en terwijl het inderdaad dringend nodig is, is het niet zo dat de schade van geen klimaatbeleid honderden (of duizenden) miljarden euro’s gaat kosten.

    Nexit daarentegen… Tja. Ik kan oprecht niet eens zeggen wat dat gaat betekenen, maar Wilders wil het in ieder geval wel, voor de Nederlandse soevereiniteit.

  • Mensen hebben veel financiële zorgen en zien een toenemende armoede, toenemende ongelijkheid, toenemende inflatie, onbetaalbare woningen en wat Wilders eigenlijk zegt op TV is ‘Als jij voor mij stemt, breng ik de hemel op aarde’. De hardwerkende arbeider gelooft dat Wilders als premier in het torentje op een knop kan drukken en dat het eigen risico dan opeens niet meer bestaat en dat de inflatie dan opeens verdwijnt. Daarom stemmen zij op Wilders.

  • My IT teacher from high school put a major emphasis on online privacy.

    He thinks the internet is a major threat to individual freedom and while it brings benefits, the negative effects are too big for him.

    While I don’t agree with the last statement, I do think privacy is very much under attack nowadays and while I am not very concerned what other people and corporations know about me, I still care about privacy simply because I have the right to do so and because if I don’t pay attention, a dozen different trackers will know what I have done without me granting permission.

    Corporations basically take advantage of people and give nothing in return and that is bad imo.

  • Inflation occurs when the value of goods increase. This can mainly be caused by two things: An increase in consumption or an increase of production costs, which causes the vendor to increase prices in order to maintain profits.

    Deflation would occur when the opposite happens, aka when the value of goods decrease. This can be caused by things such as new technological improvements (old hardware has become cheaper, because new hardware has been released and the older hardware is no longer state-of-the-art), a reduction in consumption or a reduction in production costs. Perhaps I’ve missed a few cases, but these are the main things I can currently think of.

    Anyway, while deflation is generally useful for consumers (they have to pay less), it’s not very good for borrowers. Let’s take a mortgage for a house, for example. You want to buy a house for €200k and have a mortgage of €200k that will cover the house. If something bad happens to you financially (for example, you lose your job), you may end up in a situation where you’ll no longer be able to pay off your mortgage. Shit happens right? Usually, the bank would take control of your house, sell your house for €200k and use the revenue from the house to pay off your mortgage.

    However, if deflation has occurred and your house is no longer worth €200k, but €150k, you still have €50k to pay off to your bank, after the bank has sold your house. Simultaneously, you’re unemployed, so how are you going to do that? If you declare bankruptcy, you will no longer have to pay off your debts and the bank has lost €50k.

    Besides this, deflation can also be a symptom of something worse happening, such as high unemployment rates and a decrease in consumption, for example. When more people get unemployed, people will spend less, which reduces demand, which leads to a decrease of prices.

  • A server is nothing more than a computer that is always running 24/7.

    The server (or actually, computer) can do a lot of different things, such as simply storing a lot of files, streaming these files, download other files, etc.

    Besides that, the server can run programs like Lemmy and because the server is generally 24/7, the Lemmy program will also be accessible 24/7.

    Edit with an analogy: A server is similar to a literal restaurant-server. People can request data (such as a file) from a server and the server will serve that file to the people who requested it. Just like how people order food from the server in a restaurant, people ‘order’ data (such as a file or image) from the server.