If you see me somewhere please let me know. I’ve no idea where I went.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • In the board game theme, have you tried any 2-player abstract strategy games? Some of my favourites include:

    Quarto (complex 4-in-a-row game with a twist: your opponent chooses the piece you must play)

    Quixo (from the same publisher, Gigamic - tic tac toe on steroids with an ever-changing board)

    Hive (each piece moves a certain way, very portable defend-the-queen game)

    Tak (simple rules, deep strategy - connect opposite edges of the board while preventing your opponent from doing it)

    Not strategy, but abstract speed game: Nine Tiles by Japanese company Oink Games (not Nine Tiles Panic, tho that one isn’t bad). Oink has very clever, easily packable party games and a few can be played with two people.

  • Jackie's Fridge@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldtube tester
    7 months ago

    Found an EMC Model 213 tube tester at a thrift shop this summer. It’s a cute little portable unit in a fabric covered hard case, from about the early 60s. Useless without the chart (typeset on a literal typewriter) that tells you how to set the row of 12 switches & three knobs that dial in the proper test for each type of tube. Luckily I found a scan online!

  • Leatherman Juice Pro here. I use it almost every day, mostly the knife & pliers, but the tweezers, screwdrivers, and scissors get used about once a week.

    I see the people saying why carry one - if they need tools they’ll just go to their toolbox. I do that too, but having this saves me the trip, and on more than one occasion, lots of time. I’ve done roadside car repairs with just the Leatherman, and around the house it’s nice to have immediate access to a capable set of tools without searching. I’ve even grabbed the wrong tool, got to the top of the ladder, and then just used the Leatherman because it was there.

    You might not realise how often you really would use these, and they barely take up any room.

  • Like many people have said: freezer.

    We have a box of quart-sizes freezer zip bags. Whenever you make food, immediately separate half of what you made and freeze it. You can always thaw it later when you don’t have time or energy to prepare food.

    Dairy tends not to freeze well. Most other foods do. You can freeze pasta, rice, and bread easily, so make a bunch to mix in to future dishes, and if you can’t get through a full loaf of bread before it spoils, freeze half the loaf as soon as you bring it home.

    There are a lot of meal prep tips websites, and it sounds like you are inadvertently meal-prepping. See what tips they have for storing food.