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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • “Like real pashmina, shahtoosh is also from the Himalayas—it was a choice wrap for the 16th-century Mughal emperor Akbar the Great—but instead of goat hair, shahtoosh is made from the underfur of the chiru, a species of antelope indigenous to the Tibetan Plateau in China. The problem is that these majestic animals must be killed before their wool can be removed. As a result, since 1975, the species has been classified as endangered.”

  • See the past.

    Looks to me like OP came in asking for a type of keyboard that isn’t out there currently and was grating to the responses when different on-the-market solutions were presented, stating that they’re too different from a standard keyboard.

    I wasn’t apart of it but I’m not surprised he got downvoted. They went onto an ergo keyboard community and then skoffed at any keyboard that had ergonomic design in mind.

  • Alright, gonna be a skeptic.

    We’re seeing an Israeli news source followed by an IDF statement with IDF evidence, so a conflict of interest does exist with these sources, though that doesn’t mean either is lying. That being said, if Israel did deliberately target a hospital in Gaza with as many eyes on Gaza as there are, that’d be a really fucking stupid move. At the same time, If they did, lying and completely fabricating everything is in their highest interest. At minimum, though, I think that any trustworthiness one would associate with journalists or military Intel be thrown out, and the evidence be viewed with skepticism

    There is also some oppositely damning evidence in circulation. GeoConfirmed apparently did their own locating of where the video occurred, and - if accurate - from the videos perspective, the missile was moving northwest, from the direction of Israel. They are also A third party in this, though, so their bias is not immediately determinable from this one tweet, nor can the factuality be easily confirmed.

    We’re still in the fog of war, and simultaneously a war for our minds and support is being waged. I am going to wait for more information from more parties to arrive.

    EDIT: I previously stated the tweet I linked claimed the missile was moving north east, which it doesn’t - that’s my misphrasing. The tweet I linked specifically repeats the falling shrapnel story - though the evidence they show shows the camera looking southeast, with the missile coming from said direction towards the camera. I’ve rewritten it to be more clear.