• 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • He did do what other rich folk do. Based himself in a tax haven and, initially, tried to challenge extradition.

    Not many rich folk end up on trial. But even fewer end up absconding with their cash, never to be seen again. He is the normal kind of rich folk: he assumed he would get away with it because he is a born-rich kid who has never faced a consequence in his life.

  • If you mean “turn out to protest” I don’t disagree but would note that this is made exceedingly difficult by the conspiracy theorists who don’t think he should be sent to stand trial in Sweden either. I strongly disagree with the decision to extradite him to the US but I can’t make common cause with the conspiranoids who insist that Sweden was a set up. He got himself into this predicament by trying to evade trial on credible charges of rape and sexual assault. Two things can be true but his supporters almost universally insist that they can’t and it is exhausting.

  • That just forces everyone who wants/needs the bigger ecosystem to leave Mastodon and join Threads. It’s daft.

    The beauty of the Fediverse is that different instances can make different choices and people can choose their instance based on the choices they prefer. The Fediverse is not a monolith and demanding that it become one is just wildly missing the point.