• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Fair, late-stage capitalism points. Of the two excellent channels I mentioned, I believe one monetizes by YT, and one by Patreon, but I think the latter method is indeed more popular now, perhaps for the reasons you mentioned.

    Everyone should have left, yes, but considering how enormous YT’s storage and bandwidth is, I’m not sure how realistic that would have been in terms of single platform. Something like Daily Motion is a nice YT alt, but it probably would have been brought to its knees trying to serve all YT’s content. And/or simply bought out once again by Google or an even worse company, like Yahoo.

  • I really like the trending communities; great way to find new communities…

    Hmm, I don’t really get that. Most of the time “trending communities” seem to be newly-created communities with little if any content. Considering how common it is for people to grab a community name and sit on it indefinitely, I feel like the ‘trending detection’ formula could be tweaked to display newer communities with solid growth, instead.

    …or remind you to look for something you hadn’t thought about.

    I salute the spirit of that, but the number of healthy communities across the FV seems pretty limited so far. Sure, it’s not that hard to find ghost communities with search tools (I tend to use this one), but that’s kind of a bittersweet feeling.

  • This particular image has not been hosted on lemm.ee before, as I’m the one who uploaded it to pixelfed.social

    I’m guessing that means you’re also the image creator, otherwise you wouldn’t be sure nobody had uploaded it here before, right?

    In any case, my first thought would be to try to do a test, replicating the event to see if the same thing happens again. Unfortunately, it looks like pixelfed.social is closed to new accts, so I suppose it would need to be someone already with an acct there. Feel like giving that a whack?

    If so, there’s a junk community here that would make for a good testing ground. I just whipped up a test image with the same dimensions as yours, and right about the same size here.

    if it’s not convenient for you to do a test at this time, maybe you could clue me in as to how to make a pixelfed.social acct?

  • In my case I found that creating a community that was missing here, then regularly populating it with content, has worked wonders. That it was not just a good way to get myself engaged here, as well as to grow the Fediverse, but to attract users from Reddit and other places given a bit of cross-posting.

    Seriously, I’m not sure how many people understand that right now, given that new content is generated relatively slowly across the FV, that any new community putting quality stuff out there is going to get a *hugely* larger proportion of eyes on it. That’s compared to similar communities on Reddit, FB, etc, in which smaller / newer communities tend to get completely drowned out in the ALL streams.

    My own niche community (Euro graphic novels) already has 350+ subscribers in less than 90 days. Even for Reddit that’s a nice jump-start and growth. Which is why I urge people to jump on this opportunity now, because eventually it’s probably going to dry up.

    Indeed, maybe it would be good to get this message out to people on Reddit, FB, etc who always wanted to start a sub/community, but the opportunities were ‘all filled up’ already.

  • There’s also the ‘Ask Historians’ analysis, which posits that there were at least three major ideas about how to handle a nuclear bombing entertained between the principles deciding.

    While it’s tempting to look at the situation in retrospect and agree with the report that ‘yes obviously there wasn’t a need to bomb to elicit a surrender’ that nevertheless doesn’t mean that the majority of the deciders were fully on board with that understanding & approach, unlike Ike.

    Without doing a deep dive, the AH approach makes about the most sense to me and seems consistent with history, in which there was a level of uncertainty and multiple players & arguments going in to the final decision.

    Btw, that first link barely mentions the matter, and the second link is far too subjective to be of much use, far as I can tell.