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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • We don’t “force” them to do it. This is repeatedly established to be something they enjoy doing. BW even has this as a plot point: N, a young man who is somehow able to understand Pokémon, is initially of the same point of view as you. To his astonishment, most Pokémon outright refuse to abandon their trainers. At first he chalks this up to some form of brainwashing, but over the course of the game he comes to realize that their desires to train and become stronger are in fact genuine. He ultimately decides it isn’t right for him to decide what they want for them, and spends the sequel targeting abusive trainers exclusively as opposed to tearing down the institution of Pokémon training in it’s entirety. >!There’s also some stuff about a bigger big bad grooming him to be the face of Team Plasma while he controls the group from the shadows, complete with strongly implied child abuse. Oh, and the reason the bigger bad wants to “liberate” Pokémon to begin with is so that no trainer can oppose his own team when he goes for world domination. You know, typical RPG stuff!<

  • Lol wat are you talking about? The amount of extractable resources on the moon itself are enough to sustain a thousand humanities

    Do you have any idea how much it costs to get to and from the goddamn moon?! There’s the reason we don’t exactly make a regular thing about it. The costs are astronomical, pun very much intended.

    The only thing that gets “used up” is energy

    I’m not exactly a physicist, but if you’ve suddenly solved the problem of entropy then you should contact one and claim your Nobel prize. I’ll wait.

    But in short, other sources of entertainment + an anti natalist culture + longer lifespans + deviation from the traditional monogamous two partner model would end up lessening the need for having kids.

    You’re making a lot of assumptions about how how society will develop.

    The bourgeoisie are evil, sure. Doesn’t mean that they are stupid enough to act against their own interests.


  • We already have enough resources to get us into post scarcity

    No. No we don’t. This is straight delusional levels of optimism on display here. The universe is entropic by nature. Things get used up. Barring some form of miracle tech we can’t even conceive of yet, it is not possible for us to have an infinite amount of anything.

    However, not implementing UBI would be bad for the billionaire class.

    That’s the thing though. They aren’t smart. We have seen time and time again that they would cut off their nose to spite their face. Why would this be any different?

  • When did I say that it would be a silver bullet?

    Right in your first paragraph. You straight up said that AI would lead to a post scarcity future “within a few decades”. Your words, not mine.

    The rest of it

    Okay, but still doesn’t explain how we make that leap. All of us losing our jobs will not suddenly generate infinite amounts of food and resources. What’s more, you seem to have a lot of confidence in the " inevitability " of UBI. There are already decades of propaganda demonizing socialism, to the point that a sizable number of people will push against it even if they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. The ultra wealthy are not exactly known for their amazing foresight either, and will also push against it even if it means the collapse of civilization. For fucks sake, we can’t even get them to agree that the planet we live on should be livable. One only needs to read the daily news to see dozens of examples of this very thing. And while all this pushback is going on, even if it does eventually lead to the implementation of UBI, shit is still going to suck for the people who just lost their jobs. I don’t think I’m in any way unjustified in being scared for the future.

  • I understand that AI is a complex program and not just pressing buttons. That’s not the issue I have with it. My issue is, what happens when the technology improves significantly? It’s my understanding that LLMs keep improving themselves by continuing to train on (often unethically) acquired data. In its present form, sure, maybe we don’t have to worry. But give it 10 years or so, how much more competent will it be?

    Let’s look at just the film industry for a second. We already have a huge problem with Hollywood churning out franchise films at the expense of everything else. But even these cash cows are made via the vision of someone whose name is attached to it. Somebody got paid to write Halloween 36: The Final Halloween for Real This Time. That person may or may not have gave a shit about writing a good story, or they may have just wanted a paycheck. Either way, that paycheck could be used to fund something they care about much more. Once AI reaches the point where it could spit out a passable script, what incentive does Mr. Bigshot the Hollywood producer have to involve a writer at all? And because no writer is receiving a paycheck, less risks are taken in general, because risks don’t guarantee profit

    I might just be letting my anxieties get the better of me, and I really hope I am. I just can’t seem to move past the bad feeling I’m getting from this.

  • The whole generative AI thing bums me out as someone who dabbles in writing, but for more philosophical reasons than the ones you listed. Storytelling is supposed to be something humans do to connect with one another. Art and culture are windows into our psyches. This, to me, is why art makes life worth living. It’s why we go through the hassle of maintaining our dreary and tedious obligations, because when all that is done and over with we can sit captivated and spellbound by a good tale from a talented writer.

    This? This makes little sense to me. You’re telling me they made a computer program that uses pattern recognition to write and draw for us? Okay, why? This goes against what I always assumed art was for. There’s more to storytelling than just pattern recognition. There’s themes, emotions, metaphor, allegory, messages, politics, and so much more. A computer program doesn’t understand any of that, it just follows it’s programming.

    Tech bros insist that AI is not going to take our jobs, but as long as we live under capitalism I don’t buy it. A lot of the people who work in publishing or producing are just doing it for the money. They don’t give a shit about whether the stories are good, only that they are profitable. If you don’t think that they are going to jump at the chance to create product without paying anyone for it, then I have a bridge to sell you. Creators need to eat too. The phrase “starving artist” exists for a reason.

    We were supposed to create robots that would handle manual labor so that we could all be free to pursue our passions. Now they have robots creating art while we continue to do manual labor. It’s not the future I wanted to live in.

  • You should look into how much YT actually does for its “partners”. It’s barely anything if you aren’t Markiplier tier famous, and if you do anything even mildly upsetting to the almighty advertisers (which can anything from using a curse word, to acknowledging the existence of death, to literally no reason at all in some cases) then they take away even that. That’s why everyone has Patreon accounts and sponsors. Because relying on Google to provide for the people who keep their platform alive is a losing game, so they need to seek other sources of revenue than their cut of the ad money.

  • Last time I mentioned Musk in a casual conversation, this one guy kept going on and on about how he thinks he’s a genius and how Twitter will be so much better now and how he’ll bring us all into space and how people only don’t like him because he’s conservative. He would have kept talking forever if we didn’t change the subject.

    My point is that lots of people don’t know how shitty he is. Some people live in an echo chamber where they don’t ever hear about that stuff because certain people want to sell a narrative where the rich man is competent and the poor people are just jealous. Others just aren’t very attentive.

    Not everyone is you. It’s good that you know he’s shit, but you shouldn’t assume that everyone knows everything you do. It’s important that we dispel the myth that the rich and powerful got that way by being smarter than us. If it takes a hundred articles to do that, then it will all be worth it.

  • Idk where you live, but where I come from just one of these incidents would be unthinkable, let alone quintipling down on it. Also, there’s the way he said it, which obviously isn’t conveyed in text. Dude is fucking pissed that Jewish people have the audacity to exist. This isn’t like grandpa telling a racist joke at the New Years party, there is nothing but pure all consuming hatred in his voice. The audio for some of this is available from old new clips if you look for it, I just picked out an article for completeness sake. Search for “Mel Gibson recording” and set it to videos and see for yourself.