• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I understand what you’re saying, and I do think psychology can be helpful, in theory and occasionally in practice. And psychiatry needs more people like you who do recognize that mental illness is a societal problem.

    But—speaking from experience here—I don’t think it’s very productive to lock someone up without bodily autonomy, fresh air, or the chance to see loved ones, then expect them to just get better. For me, at least, inpatient was far more traumatizing than anything I went there to deal with in the first place.

    It also leads to a huge power imbalance between a client and a therapist; the therapist can lock them up in a psych ward basically at will, so the client has to watch what they say to avoid that. There are even plenty of memes about this exact topic, and it ultimately serves to undermine trust in the relationship.

    There’s also, as you do touch on, a lot of ableism. Many psychiatrists (not all!) hold a single definition of “healthy,” and anyone who doesn’t measure up to that is considered disordered and sick rather than just… different. (I’m not talking about depression, but rather stuff like autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergencies.) A lot of them just see diagnoses instead of people, and because of that, they’re both patronizing and dehumanizing.