• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I think the other side that doesn’t get explored very often is how convenience food makers have gotten everybody hooked and unable to cook anymore.

    Now that that is generally locked-in behavior in our society, the price goes through the roof.

    I know people that literally do not know how to make rice because it’s “too hard”.

    We should acknowledge that grocery prices have gone up in that price-gouging is rampant. We should also acknowledge that most of people’s money spent at the grocery store is to exchange hundreds of dollars of extra money, for minutes less preparation.

    In this picture of this person paid $10 for a pound of “burger”. A pound of ground beef or tofu is a third that price. It takes a minute to slap a couple patties together or to slice off a few slabs, dry them and fry them.

    I really feel like we need to enhance this conversation. I think a lot of people don’t want to have it because they want to have the convenience but not the price and it’s just not sustainable anymore. I think people need to look at their own dietary lifestyle, and consider what they’re trading for that convenience.

  • That’s an excellent point and it’s one of these elephants in the room that people can’t see.

    Does anybody wonder why there’s virtually no male kindergarten teachers? Convicted before the crime as if women have never acted inappropriately towards children?! I mean for fuck sakes my own mother sexually abused me.

    If you’ve ever known any male nurses, they will tell you the stories of being outnumbered 30 to 1 at minimum, and then facing constant sexual harassment, abuse, and career suppression because of their gender.

    And my own story, I work in a system of power, the healing sector, which is dominated by women. And as the one guy they’re trying to do the right thing and serve men, we face nothing but abuse. It is driving me out.

  • It’s insane, I even made a complaint to the director who of course is a woman, and she effectively denied that it was happening or could happen.

    I told her I don’t even want people not to think these things, everybody who is in their own place of trauma has to get their shit off their chest.

    All I wanted was a place where men didn’t have to hear this crap.

    And that’s being incredibly neutral in my opinion because there are a lot of opportunities for men to talk about just how insane and shitty women can be. But I don’t want to talk about those things, I just want them to stop shit talking men especially their own clientele.

  • I wouldn’t say nobody, but I would say the people that dominate the area I’m trying to volunteer and work in.

    I work in a healing center where there are 29 women on staff and 1 man.

    I cannot get these people to understand that as much as they want to push forward social movements, which I very much agree with, this must not come at the expense of men who are trying to heal.

    I will literally have counselors co-facilitating with me, who want to make every point about how women are oppressed, pushed down in the workforce, face issues.

    I’m not in denial of those, but no man coming into a healing environment to work on themselves, be vulnerable, and explore their own journey, needs to hear how much men are shitty.

  • This guy has the attention span of a circus flea, doesn’t he?

    I’m high af and buying Twitter. Hate speech is lol because I feel unloved. Advertisers you go now, you damned J’s. We don’t need qualified staff for 2.0 I know how to paste code. Ok now we’re gonna make hella $ with “verified”. Shit. Ok I gotta unplug some servers and refactor. I know PHP. A child looked me in the eyes but he couldn’t see into me like I know the others do. Now we’re X for some reason. Now we’re revenue sharing. I like to lie. Now we’re subscriptions, babby. No we’re gonna facilitate financial transactions in a challenge to the banking sector now cuz they got my nuts in a fukkin’ vice here Linda!